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'Stilwater, a city that used to have all kinds of trouble waiting for you to let your guard down. Nowadays it is pretty safe.

After the Saints took over the city, crime dropped a lot seeing that everyone was afraid of causing damage in the territory of 3rd Street Saints. While the city was in peace, the damage caused by the battles still had yet to be fixed.

In the suburbs district, two construction workers were sitting at the edge of an unfinished building overlooking the streets as it was their favorite way to pass the hour. One of the workers tried to enjoy the break time, taking a drag of his cigarette, but he felt... odd, he couldn't explain it... must have been something that he ate this morning.

"Damn, nothing interesting is happening today." the same worker said while finishing his cigarette.

"Yeah, I guess it's one of those days...wait...Steve look over there" the other worker called his friend while pointing at the front of a school.

Steve looked at the scene, some kids were picking up on a poor boy. Steve felt a strange feeling of deja vu as he watched the whole scene, as if all of this already happened before, but he shrugged it off. Bullying was quite common after all.

"Jeez, this is the sixth time this week. Recognize the poor bastard, Bob?"

"Not sure....wait...oh it's that kid from yesterday"

"That kid? those bullies set him on fire yesterday, where are his wounds?"

"Wait, you don't know?"

"Know what?"

"He's the main character of this book"

"What those that have to do with anything?"

" Main characters from Wattpad books can fully heal every night, it's like a rule of something. I mean how are those bullies gonna bully him if he can't go to school every day?"

" Guess that makes sense"

" ......Oh look they gonna cut his arms off"

" Man that gonna hurt"

" Yeah"

" ........Hey bob"

" hmm?"

"Should we do something?"

Both workers looked at each other and thought about intervening. After a few seconds, they came to a conclusion.


Both of them went back to admiring the view of the city while screams could be heard in the background.'


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