"The alternatives... and why they suck"

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So we all know how much I shit on Wattpad... for good reason.

This website is more broken than Cyberpunk at launch, and Cyberpunk was shit when it launch. (and is mediocre now but at least that's a plus.)

So some of you may be wondering... why not just move to another platform?

Well, there are a few reasons for that.

One, I don't know many other platforms.

Two, the ones I know have something that just makes me either intimidated, disgusted, or uninterested in them.

Third, I'm a lazy fuck who is too lazy to switch platforms...

... and I still want this website to get better, to see this go back to what it used to be, to the old days of 2016 to 2018.

... Hey, don't judge me. A man can dream.

But still, let's go back to the other platforms.

So I know a few but the only ones worth mentioning in my opinion are Archive of Our Own and Fanfiction.net. Both of them are well known for Wattpad users, I have been exploring these platforms for more than a year and I have a lot of things to critique about them but to keep this chapter short let's just briefly talk about them.


The tamest and most interesting platform between the two, It has a pretty bare-bones interface but the content is good... for the most part.

As I mentioned, the interface is pretty bare bones and not pretty to look at but what it makes up for is the number of filters that you can use in order to find the category that you want to read... but it somehow manages to fuck that one up as well.

Fanfiction.net takes the fics that people make and first, they separate into two categories: "Fanfiction" and "crossover". Both of them are pretty straightforward. In case you can't tell the difference, Fanfiction is a story people make about a certain universe while the crossover is a fic where people mash universes together. Anyway, let's continue.

Then the website filters your story based on what kind of category the universe it's based on fits. For example, if you make a fanfic of Naruto then it will go into the "Anime" category and then it will go to the "Naruto" category. So far so good, I'm liking it.

But then the problem arises.

Now, let's pretend you wanna read fanfic of Naruto. Well, you go to Fanfiction>Anime>Naruto, and bam, now there's a load of fanfics for you to choose from and read.

Here's the problem, the first three pages are just fanfics about the Raikage cucking every male in the universe.

You, being the honorable and morally correct human being that you are( at least I hope you are ), feel disgusted and don't want to see this kind of stuff anymore. What do you do? you try to remove tags from the filter so it won't show these disgusting stories again.

But then you end up finding a problem.

You find out that the community is too imbecile to properly tag their own stories!!

Seriously! I lost count of how many times I saw a slice of life with an adventure tag or a spiritual tag only to find out there's no adventure of spiritism in the fucking story. And the fact there are so many options to filter stories makes me a headache! fr fuck sake! why does it have 3 options for the genre, which give you the exact same tags?!!

The only tags that people seem to get it right are the characters tag and the rating tag but even then it still feels like a loot box where you hope you get what you want!

The second problem is how the community seems to favor some authors only! I lost count of how many times I had seen the same guy appearing in the best fics tags or the more viewed tag or something. Seriously! why? those fics aren't even finished! the guy dropped them three years ago!!

Archive of our Own.

This one is a literal definition of playing with the devil.

The Interface is nothing special but it is much better compared to Fanfiction.com and it doesn't have a limit for tags so authors can add as many tags as they want.

Another thing that I have to praise about the Archive of Our Own is how well-written most of the fics on the website are. Seriously! I can count on my fingers how many fics I have seen with Wattpad levels of writing!

So you may be wondering, why I have a problem with this website?

Well, it's because it's mostly porn. You gonna have to go through a lot of porn fanfics to find really good fanfiction and even then it's gonna have porn in it.

Now, I don't mind sex on my fics, in fact, I'm always down to read some wholesome intimacy between characters, so long it makes sense with the story and it makes the couple more intimate and loving towards each other.

Yes, I'm a sucker for wholesomeness I have no shame to admit it.

But the problem is that wholesomeness is even rarer than good fics!!

Archive of Our Own is a place where people feel free to show their most disgusting and downright morally incorrect fetishes for everybody to see. You will see it all! NTR! cheating! Gangbang! people eating shit! BDSM! torture... as sex! gore! vore! bestiality!! but wholesome stuff? DING DONG! YOU'RE ON THE WRONG PLATFORM!!!

There's a reason why nobody searches for original stories in an Archive of our own, Wanna know why? it's because people also use the website to write porn ASMRscripts so they can ask some girl or guy on the internet to fill them with audio.

In other words, stay away from this website children.

Well, that was it I think...

I don't know any other platform, and honestly, I don't think I would switch either... at least not for now, I made a lot of friends here so I much rather stay.

Feel free to share any other platforms you may know about.

Anyway, that's all for today. Thank you all for reading this book and I hope to see you all in the next chapter.

and yes, there will be a chapter about lemons... one day.


Just rantingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora