"He returned... only to complain again..."

230 8 44

Why helloooooo there~

How's everyone doing? Being a long time since I published another chapter. I think the last one o published was in.... January....... yeah.....

Usually, a leave the apologies to the end of the chapter but I would like to apologize for the lack of updates. Sorry to keep you guys waiting, but I was having some technical issues. Relax, I'll explain.

Well for starters, I had to work overtime for the whole month and that was actually causing some health problems( My heart is beating too fast apparently), it didn't help that was getting stressed with work and the character.ai controversy at the end of January. Still, I'm getting better now and I'm taking things slow.

Three weeks ago I received a PM from a random user who liked this book, he wanted me to explain if OP protagonists are a bad thing in general or if there was something that people just did wrong. I was going to reply to him but then I realized that I could actually make a chapter about it since it is an issue that 98% of Wattpad books have.

And so, I started to write the chapter.


Then Wattpad deleted the chapter before I could even publish it.

I got pissed off, didn't touch Wattpad for two days then I tried again... and again... and again...

Long story short, I couldn't finish the fucking thing so I'm writing a rant about Wattpad right now! and even then THIS IS THE FOURTH TIME I TRY TO WRITE THIS DAMN THING!!!!!

So to anyone who was hoping I would rant about the platform instead of the books, congratulations gentlemen... and gentlewomen ( Does that even exist?). Your time has come.

Without further ado, let's list the thing I absolutely hate about this website!!

1-) Saving your progress doesn't work properly.

Do you see that big ass save button at the corner of your screen when you write a chapter? That button is actually a dice, a dice that chooses if it's gonna save your chapter or not.

Sometimes it saves perfectly, sometimes it doesn't save a few words (If you are lucky), other times it doesn't save whole paragraphs, and the worst one, sometimes it doesn't save your chapter at all.

I lost count of how many times I finished writing a chapter, clicked the save button, published the chapter and when I went to read, the damn thing was missing paragraphs or it was completely blank!!

And don't even get me started on the auto-save, it's even worse than the button!!

Wattpad, get your shit together and fix this fucking issue.

2-) Pictures don't work properly.

Putting a picture in a chapter is a pain in the ass!

For some reason, you can't just copy and paste the image or just drag it from your desktop to your browser to import the damn thing. No, Instead you have to click on the picture button that appears when you go to a new line.

Problem number 1: once you reach the 500 words cap, the button starts to act weirdly, it suddenly vanishes and you never see it again! some people tell you to clean your cache data from your browser... but it doesn't help at all!!

The best solution I found is to copy your chapter, delete it, create another chapter, paste the text, and then add the image. If there is more than one image then I have to click on save, pray to god that the website saved the progress, reload the page, and then add another image( repeat the process to all the images you have ).

I think you can see why this is so annoying.

But wait, there's more!

Problem number 2: The save button lies to you! you finished the chapter, you saved it, you checked if there was anything missing and then you publish it... only to see that images are missing.

Congrats, the save button just trolled you.

Problem number 3: The filter!! From 2016 to 2019, Wattpad was quite open with things you could publish. During the pandemic, Wattpad wanted to restrict what people could do with their ideas and writing, now there seems to be some sort of filter that Supposedly reads what you are writing and see what images you are putting... but it doesn't work properly...

Sometimes an innocent image flags the filter and then you receive some strange message on your email, I saw some people call it a block but it didn't block me so far so I guess I'm good.

That's all for the images, let's continue.

3-) The search tab doesn't work properly!

Users can add tags to their books to make the search for them more easily, tags work fine... if you use the general link for them(You know, clicking on them to see books with the same tag), If you try to actually search for the tag by writing in on the input... once again, you roll a dice. 

Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't work.

My advice? find a book with the tab you want and then click on it, trust me, it's much easier that way.

4-) The report button does nothing.

We all know just how toxic Wattpad had become after the pandemic, normies came to the platform and spread their disease also known as "intolerance". As you can imagine, cyberbullying ends up becoming quite common.

I didn't know how bad it was until I talked with a victim at the end of last year. She told me a lot about how she saw her community tear each other apart and how one user used some kind of bot generator to create fake accounts and harass her. It got to the point she created an alternative account and published a book showing the harassment.

I managed to convince her to leave the platform for her own good, it affected her a lot. Before leaving, she also told me how the Wattpad staff doesn't care about it. I didn't believe it at first but after I tried to report the harasser's account.

She wasn't kidding, nothing happened. I decided to search for some more info about it only to find out some many users complaining about the same thing.

Wattpad staff, GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!!!


Remember when I mentioned some kind of filter and how it doesn't work properly? Well, it seems to work like this at the moment.

It only goes against pictures. You can't post pictures that contain any sort of nudity, gore, etc... but you can still write perfectly described scenes of torture, rape, gore, and passionate sex... because of reasons I guess.

Let me remind you, back in 2016 and 2017, you could post whatever you wanted. I don't usually care about images but I'm a man that believes in freedom. So Wattpad, either decided to block these things completely... or DON'T BLOCK THEM AT ALL!!!

6-) This website evolves... backwards.

I'm sure you noticed a lot of issues such as the ones with the save button not saving your progress, images not appearing, and tags not working. Etc.

These issues exist since 2018 and they have never been properly fixed! sometimes they fix it... only to bring them back again a week later!!


I'm telling you right now! I had enough of this shit!!

Don't worry my friends, we will discuss op protagonists and how they can work in fanfiction. But right now I need to relax, I'm way too angry right now.

That's all I wanted to say, thank you all for reading this book, and once again apologies for the lack of updates. As always, I hope to see you all in the next chapter.

Peace! ✌️

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