A special day.

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July 31, 2022.

That was when I first published a chapter of this book, where I honestly didn't know what I was doing.

Back then, I just wanted to see how well I could write in English. The idea of criticizing things that annoyed me on this website seemed like the best way to start.

Never have I thought that this book would become so popular in a span of a year. Never have I thought that I would have met so many wonderful people with the same criticisms as I did.

This book quickly became something special for me. It was more than just a book, it was a safe space for people like us, who still wish for this platform to become better... to try to bring back the old days.

I'm not sure if we'll succeed but at the very least we will have fun mocking these tropes and things that plague this website.

Usually, this would be the moment when i would make a speech of some fancy shit to talk about everything I achieved

But you all know me by now to know that I'm not that type of guy.

I like to keep things simple so I'll make this simple.

Thank you.

For staying with me in this wacky-ass adventure.

For giving me your criticisms and ideas.

And most of all.

For giving this book a chance and enjoying the ride.

Now, I know that when authors make cheesy chapters like this one.... it usually means that they are abandoning the book.

Well, I think you'll be happy to know that this is not the case.

After all, you never ran out of things to complain about Wattpad or fanfiction in General.


Thank you all for reading this book and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

Peace! and a happy birthday for this book! ✌

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