"Seumadrugs and the multiverse of trash"

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The multiverse

A group of multiple universes

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A group of multiple universes. Together, these universes comprise everything that exists: the entirety of space, time, matter, energy, information, and the physical laws and constants that describe them. The different universes within the multiverse are called "parallel universes", "other universes", "alternate universes", or "many worlds". 

Such a complicated concept, yet full of possibilities. Can you imagine? just how much potential you could have with such concept? sure it would take a lot of time and effort to pull something go about it since it's rather complex to even think casually about it, yet to those who can manage to pull this one off... it's a free real state.

But in the world that we live in, it seems almost impossible because everyone seems to use it only for fan service, and the works that have an interesting concept end up not getting the attention they deserve.

And if mainstream media makes mediocre multiverse stories at best, I'm pretty you can guess how the multiverse genre goes here on Wattpad. as always, IT IS TRASH!

Now the concept of the multiverse wasn't something necessarily new, If you think about it the union academy books could be considered a multiverse since the writers just smash series together. But back then people just considered them 'crossovers'.

But after the two mediocre marvel movies that involved multiverses, the trash addicts saw another genre they could milk dry...even though they were already using it but I doubt any of them would be smart enough to notice.

Surprisingly enough, what they did was something that I never expected.

Out of all things that I thought they could do, I never expected them to do REACTION stories.

For those who don't know, reaction stories are basically the character from a series, movies, games, comics, etc reacting to something. Normally their own series.

Is there anything wrong with that? no, I don't mind these fics, in a way a actually like them. I mean have you ever thought about how the characters from Re:zero would react if they find out they're good for nothing Subaru has the ability to go back in time every time that he dies? I honestly think it would be interesting.

But these multiverses react fics? are just random characters from random works watching a character that they don't actually know. usually a reader or an OC, I'm also counting Izuku in the OC category because in these stories he's basically unrecognizable.

Instead of making creative universes for Y/n, Izuku or any other OC, what they do is take an existing story and swap the characters. Kinda like swapping cutscenes models from GTA san Andreas only this time you're supposed to take it seriously instead of having fun. Can you imagine Izuku as CJ? cuz I fucking don't.

The objective of these stories is rather simple, the purpose of them is to empower the already fragile ego that most of these writers have. Is to make their favorite characters amazed with their OCs even though sometimes what the MC does goes against the ideals of a character.

That's all I wanted to say, what are your thoughts about it?

Anyway thank you for reading this book, and sorry for the small chapter. I'm sick and I wanted to share this thought with you all before I end up forgetting about it, so again I'm sorry for the low quality.

Thank you all, and I hope to see ya in the next chapter.

Also, if there's anything you guys want me to talk about just leave a comment.

Have a good night everyone.

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