"Tropes and how to make them better!"

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Hello there~

Good night everyone, how's everyone doing?

So I was looking for a few stories to read here in Wattpad because it has been some time since I actually took time to read something instead of making a list of things I can talk about here. As I searched I stumbled into something that I thought could be interesting.

KDA x male reader.

Now KDA isn't something new, ever since Riot released the skins they gained a cult following here on Wattpad. Especially for the male reader community... I'm sure you can guess why.

Now you may ask why I think about the stories... if you have been reading this book til this point then I'm pretty sure you already know the answer.

They are usually trash full of tropes that curse the male reader tag. 

Believe it or not, the male reader tropes were not the reason why I'm making this chapter.

I'm making this chapter because the story has a lot of bad tropes about military books, the same ones I mentioned in a previous chapter.

You see, the reader is a male ODST soldier from the Halo universe. He along with a whole ship of ODST soldiers got stranded in the world of Runaterra, more specifically in Piltover. The whole premise of the story is that the ODST soldier is assigned to protect the city and pursue the enemy forces they were after before they ended up in Piltover.


The story has a good premise but the premise is lost because of a lot of reasons, the main one being lack of focus. But let's start from the beginning.

The story starts with (Y/n), A 20 years old ODST Soldier who uses a sniper and is already a high rank, and is someone important in the platoon since he's always in the meetings involving politics and stuff. Right off the bat we already have a problem that is very common in military fics.

It's impossible for someone so new to be a high-ranking soldier, even if he was born in the army he would still be a corporal at best. Another problem is the fact that (Y/n) is a high-ranking soldier at the start of the story. I don't know about you but I grew up playing "COD 2 big red one" and the coolest thing I saw was seeing my character going from private to captain as he and the rest of the squad survives the whole second world war. The rest of the squad got character development as they progressed through the story while you, the player and silent protagonist, rose through the ranks and became the second in command of the squad.

There is something special about seeing the main character evolve and gain achievements as he goes through the story. If the main character already is a high-ranking soldier then it doesn't leave a lot of room to see him progress.

Then comes the second problem, (Y/n) is a sniper... who uses his sniper at close range...

Never in the story, he's giving someone some support from Affar, he's always on the frontlines... that makes no sense. The dude just goes around quick-scoping people.

Then the third problem, He has a squad... but he's always alone...

In fact, he's the only one assigned to protect the KDA girls. Sure, the girls personally asked for his protection... but no soldier works alone! at the very least they work with 3 more people!!

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