Lucy Bronze x Reader (37) & Alexia Putellas x Character (8)

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"You really did that last night?" It wasn't judgemental, it was worried.

Ridley sighed as they sat down again. "You know I sleep around, Blue."

"But you made her screw another woman?"

"I invited her. Both parties were willing."

"You really upset her..."

"I really upset myself."

YFN could see on her face that she was telling the truth and she felt for her. Ridley was a lot of things, but she wasn't a bad person. She was one of the best, bravest, smartest people she knew, and a lot more caring than she let anyone see. She had wondered before about the type of person Alexia had interacted with last night and now it made sense and to be honest, her theories weren't wrong.

Ridley held out her arm in a peace offering and YFN hooked her arm through and rested her head on her shoulder. At the end of the day, she was still Ridley, and as broken as she was, she was still going to be an important part of her life forever.

They sat in silence for a little, watching the half time entertainment on the ground before YFN spoke.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I like my emotions like my water. Bottled."

Ridley notoriously didn't talk about anything related to her emotions. The one person in the world she ever spoke about her family and their childhood with was YFN, because she'd been there, and she'd never had any proper relationships to talk about. Any flings, however, she could talk about. Because they meant nothing to her. Alexia was different though, and YFN could see it on her face when she asked the question.

"There's not much to say," she murmured as she snacked slowly on her popcorn.

YFN rolled her eyes and a piece of popcorn hit her in the forehead.

"Besides, it seems like you already know?"

"I want to hear from you."

Ridley sighed and put her popcorn down. "You're not going to let this go, are you?"

YFN squeezed the arm she was still holding, hoping to keep Ridley a little warm now that she didn't have a jacket. She had goosebumps, but she'd never complain, and the Australian flag around her wasn't helping much.

"I met her in a bar."

"Your favourite bar that you're always talking about? With the sex rooms?"

"Do you want to hear this or not?"

She glued her mouth shut.

"Yes, that bar. I knew who she was immediately, and people spoke about her like a goddess, but there's just something about her that draws me in. I try to ignore it, but it's still here. I don't even have to be looking at her to know she's right there."

YFN knew that feeling all too well and she looked at the players running back out, her eyes finding Lucy. She had her arm around Alexia's shoulder, as if to ensure she wouldn't turn to look at them when she walked out. Lucy did though. She couldn't help herself.

"Something...perfect. Something I didn't want to taint. Something I didn't want to ruin. I still don't."

"So you slept around to make her jealous?"

"I always sleep around. But I slept around more at the bar to push her away, and hoping that it would end this feeling."

"But it didn't..." YFN whispered as the whistle blew.

"It didn't, and I kept going back just hoping to be in the same room as her."

"Oh Riddles..." It was so unlike her.

Sunsets and footballersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin