Instead of finding something, however, someone found her. Two someones actually - Seulgi and Joy, whom she hadn't talked to since her last lunch with them and Jeno. 

"Jimin!" Joy called. "What's up? We hardly see you since you switched lunch tables."

"Hey guys," Jimin greeted, smiling genuinely at the two girls. "Yeah, things have just been weird. You're all welcome to come sit where sit now, Aeri said so when I first sat over there. I just don't think Jeno really wants to."

"Yeah. What's been up with him?" Seulgi asked, looking concerned.

Jimin pursed her lips. "I think you'd better talk to him about that." Seulgi still seemed curious, but she just nodded.

"Well, you'll be proud to know that this past weekend I went on a date with that girl Irene that I met in my art history class," she announced a wide grin on her face. "Meanwhile, I'm all alone, but not everyone can be in a happy relationship I guess," Joy added, rolling her eyes playfully at Seulgi, who shook her head. "We aren't official yet," Seulgi stated plainly, and Jimin found herself laughing lightly.

"Well, good to know you're doing well," Jimin said to Seulgi, and then she looked to Joy and added, "And I'm right there with you, Joy, so I understand."

Joy grinned, and Jimin realized that she actually had missed talking to them, but she couldn't rightly go back and sit with them at lunch because with them was Jeno. And Jeno still hated her, that was for sure. "Well," Seulgi piped up, "we have to get to first period early, so see you later, Jimin."

"Bye, guys."

Jimin headed toward her own first period as well, even though the bell was still ten minutes away from ringing. When she walked into Mr. Sanchez's class, the first thing she saw was that a homework assignment was posted on the board to be turned in - something they had gotten the previous day that Jimin had apparently forgotten about. Cursing under her breath, she slipped back out of the classroom and tore open her bag. She found her history stuff and retrieved the worksheet, though not a single blank had been filled in. "Shit," she groaned. She gripped it tightly in her hand as she headed back into the classroom, and made her way to her desk.

Aeri and Ning came in a few seconds after Jimin, who was debating on what to do about her homework.

"Hey, Jimin!" Octavia exclaimed. "Oh, I saw Minjeong this morning, and she gave me this to give to you. She didn't know when you needed it by, so."

Aeri was holding Jimin's sketchbook, which was covered up, and clearly closed. Confident that Minjeong hadn't let Aeri look at any of the drawings, Jimin took it back. "Thanks," she said, aware of how relieved her voice sounded when she had her sketchbook back in her hands.

Ning gave Jimin a curious look. "You didn't do the homework?"

"Ah... no," Jimin admitted.

"Wanna copy?" Aeri asked, grinning.

"Aeri," Ning scolded, and the other brunette shrugged.

"It's one worksheet. And it's the second week of school," Aeri stated, rolling her eyes. "Offer's still open, Jimin."

"No thanks."

Mr. Sanchez came into the room just then, and Jimin made a beeline toward his desk, where he was beginning to sit down. "Mr. Sanchez?" she addressed him.

"Yes, Miss Yu?" he asked, smiling kindly at her. He had been her teacher the previous year as well for her Honors History class, but she rarely ever approached him unless it was important.

"I just wanted to tell you ahead of time that I forgot to do my assignment last night, and I'll turn it in tomorrow for the points off. I had a stressful night," Jimin admitted, perfectly happy with accepting the late penalty.

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