"I'm sure you redeem that flaw with your dancing," Jimin teased.

Suddenly, catching Jimin entirely off guard, Minjeong narrowed her eyes a bit at the dark-haired girl, taking a small step backward. "You tell me." She abruptly turned and headed for her laptop, and Jimin bit the inside of her lower lip, going to sit against the far wall. She set her bag next to her, deciding that she would only slip out her sketchbook once Minjeong was already absorbed into dancing. As Jimin sat down, a Chase Atlantic song, began to play, though it was a remixed version that Jimin didn't recognize. And Minjeong began to dance.

And holy shit it was even more beautiful than Jimin had imagined in her head.

It was only a few seconds after the copper-haired had started that Jimin had her sketchbook out, to the page after her rough sketch, and began to draw. She did so for much of the time while hardy glancing at the paper because her focus was almost entirely on the beautiful girl in the studio in front of her. Jimin had no idea how long Minjeong danced for, and she wasn't sure when the music had turned off, because the next thing she knew, Minjeong was taking a seat next to her. Jimin could feel heat radiating from her body, and her skin glistened a bit with sweat, though it wasn't the disgusting kind that appeared on people after things like... soccer, per se.

"What are you drawing?" Minjeong asked, almost as though she'd thought that Jimin had stopped paying attention to draw - as though she didn't suspect that it was her figure that Jimin's pencil was creating.

"Do you want to see it?" Jimin asked back, not answering the question and instead hugging the sketchbook to her chest, suddenly beginning to feel self conscious. Minjeong met her gaze and then nodded slightly. Jimin, her cheeks already red, pulled the book away from her chest and angled it so that Minjeong could see. The sketch was far more prominent than the one from earlier that day, though both pictures featured Minjeong in a similar position. The second one highlighted even more the shape of the girl's body, and Jimin couldn't help it - not only was Minjeong extremely attractive, but she was also a dancer, and what else is there to draw about a dancer than her figure?

Minjeong blinked, confirming that she actually had no idea that Jimin had been drawing her. "Wow." Her voice sounded a bit different than normal, deeper maybe. "You did that just now?"

Jimin nodded, and then turned the page back one. "This one I did in class today," she admitted, her voice coming out much weaker than intended. She cleared her throat a bit, and said, "I just pictured what you'd look like."

"Can I keep it? When it is done, and when you don't need it for class." Minjeong looked back at the brown eyes staring back at her, and Jimin blushed a bit again, nodding. "Of course."

Minjeong's eyes, ever captivating, dropped her gaze to a spot lower on Jimin's face than her own eyes. Knowing where it was, Jimin nervously bit down on her bottom lip. She felt Minjeong's presence getting closer to her before she realized it with her own eyes, but then her eyes were closed anyway the second that Minjeong's lips touched hers.

Jimin immediately inhaled through her nose and leaned into the kiss. Minjeong didn't hesitate to scoot a bit closer in order to facilitate the kiss, and then Jimin felt teeth gently grab onto her lower lip. Electricity shot through Jimin's entire body as Minjeong sucked on her lower lip with gentle intensity. Jimin, surprisingly, was the one to push even further, attempting to invade Minjeong's mouth with her tongue. The copper-haired had no objections, releasing her lip in order for their tongues to twirl together between their mouths as two dancers might on a dance floor. At least Jimin's tongue was better at dancing than she was, and she only supposed this was true since Minjeong hadn't yet stopped kissing her. So suddenly that Jimin barely even realized it, Minjeong moved her position from on the floor, to on Jimin's lap, straddling her as she broke the kiss a moment for some air.

The dark-haired could feel hands holding her face and her neck, and somehow, her own hands had seemingly developed a mind of their own. They had already tangled into long, warm, wavy hair, pressing her lips and tongue harder against Minjeong's. It was nothing less than intoxicating, having Minjeong's lips this way.

One of Minjeong's hands drifted down to Jimin's lower back, pressing against it with her palm and, in effect, making them even closer to one another. Minjeong's lips suddenly tore away from Jimin's, but it wasn't for any bad reason, she only moved them down to Jimin's neck. Her head immediately tilted back, and Jimin bit down hard on her lower lip as she became aware that moans were going to start trying to escape her.

As if Minjeong were trying to achieve a better angle at Jimin's neck, she scooted up a bit on Jimin's lap, effectively shredding whatever thoughts had been going through her mind as the only thing she could think of became her proximity with Minjeong's core.

One of her hands tightened its grip on Minjeong's hair, the other one took off running down Minjeong's upper body and to her lower back. She hardly realized her own motivation until she found herself trying to get their centers even closer to one another.

Lips broke away from her neck, reattaching to her lips, and Jimin officially could think of nothing aside from what was happening in that very second. A hand slipped up under her shirt, burning her pale skin there and eliciting Jimin's first moan, and then she could no longer hold them in. Every touch burned, and Jimin had never been as hungry for sex as she was at this moment. She wanted nothing more than for Minjeong to touch her, and Minjeong seemed to know that.

One of Minjeong's hands was slipping into Jimin's pants just as a sound began to penetrate the otherwise mostly quiet room. Jimin, her attention wrongly torn from the girl on top of her, realized that the noise was coming from her bag.

Before anything could be said about the ringing, Minjeong removed her hands from Jimin's body and detached their lips.

"I don't wanna answer it," Jimin mumbled, clearly annoyed by the interruption.

"If you don't, I will," Minjeong murmured, placing a soft kiss on the corner of Jimin's lips, before getting up and off of Jimin and the chair. "Answer it," she prompted.

"Fine," Jimin grumbled, reaching for her bag and retrieving her phone. She expected it to be her mom or a spam phone call, but she was surprised that it was Aeri's number. She knew that she'd given Aeri her own number, but at some point during their party thing the past weekend, Aeri must have saved her contact into Jimin's phone. Answering the phone, she took a shaky breath, still trying to recover from her swirled thoughts. "Hey, Aeri."

"Hey!" Aeri exclaimed. "Are you busy?"

"Um... to an extent," Jimin answered, feeling her cheeks redden a bit. "Why, what's up?"

"Ning has a family dinner tonight, and Minjeong won't pick up her phone - knowing her she left it in her car - so... do you want to go to the mall with me? I really need a haircut, my ends are getting so bad, oh god," Aeri rambled.

Jimin swallowed thickly. "Ah, well, I'm with Minjeong right now, so."

"Awesome! So you both can come!" Aeri exclaimed. "I'll see you guys there in fifteen?" The call abruptly ended, and Jimin blinked, taken aback by the exclamation.

"Alright," Jimin muttered, setting her phone back in her bag and looking up at Minjeong who had moved over to her laptop, scrolling through something or another to look busy. "That was Aeri. She wants us to meet her at the mall in fifteen minutes."

"I have some homework," Minjeong said, sounding suddenly very closed off. "Tell Aeri that I'll hang out with her tomorrow." Jimin looked over the copper-haired carefully, and then she just nodded. "Okay. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah," Minjeong agreed, smiling again. "I'll text you tonight." Jimin nodded, feeling a bit of relief by hearing that because Minjeong being a bit disconnected was making her nervous. Jimin grabbed her bag and headed for the exit of Minjeong's incredible dance studio. Suddenly, though, Minjeong's soft hand gently grabbed Jimin's forearm, and the dark-haired froze, turning to face the other, who immediately pressed a light kiss to her lips. Jimin was slightly surprised by it, but as soon as it ended she smiled softly at Minjeong. 

"Bye," she said quietly, and then she did leave.

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