Minjeong was smiling by the end of Jimin's explanation. She didn't say anything for a moment, her eyes searching Jimin's. When they seemed to have found what they wanted, Minjeong took a step toward the other and leaned forward slowly. Her lips captured Jimin's in a soft, careful kiss. It lasted but a second, and Jimin felt her heart speed up and then stop abruptly as Minjeong pulled back away. "Well, Jimin, I would very much like to share more of these kisses with you. I don't blame you for not being ready to be openly into women. I'm also not ready. Few people know about my sexuality as it is. Which, in case you were wondering, is one sided toward women. Don't feel obligated to tell me yours, though."

Jimin didn't know what to say, so she let her eyes just carefully observe the copper-haired. Her expression was so incredibly genuine, and it surprised Jimin. She wasn't sure why, but it was just so... soft... and caring, and sweet. Jimin just wanted to kiss her again... and again...

So she did, but only once. A firmer kiss than before, one that got Minjeong to sigh against her and lean her body into the dark-haired's as Jimin's hand carefully stroked Minjeong's cheek.

When she pulled away, she kept their faces close and she whispered, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, but you do not need to thank me," Minjeong insisted, smiling a small smile.

Jimin shrugged, smiling as well.

"Do you want to talk about anything else?" Minjeong wondered. "I think that we should go to sleep if not."

Jimin shook her head, and she was suddenly surprised as Minjeong took her hand and led her back into the living room. The TV was now off, courtesy of Minjeong, Jimin supposed, and Aeri and Ning were still sprawled across one another, sound asleep. Minjeong released Jimin's hand and collapsed tiredly onto the couch. Jimin wondered briefly if Minjeong had gotten up just to make sure Jimin was okay. Assuming that that was the case, based on how tired Minjeong seemed, Jimin suddenly felt a little guilty, but also a little happy. Minjeong seemed to genuinely care about her, and Jimin would be lying if she said that she didn't love that feeling.

"Lay down," Minjeong whispered up to her after Jimin still hadn't laid down. Jimin smiled, and nervously sat on the edge of the couch before spreading across the couch, her back against Minjeong's front. At first, she felt like she had been too precariously set upon the edge of the couch, but Minjeong's arm slipped around her waist and held her firmly in place.

As Jimin began to drift asleep, she wondered briefly about their position, and how Aeri and Ning would react upon waking. She didn't linger on the thought, though, because she was drifting asleep, and she couldn't think of anything but the heart beating against her back.

Jimin woke up feeling cold - and it only took her a second to notice that her blanket had at some point fallen off of her in the night. The second thing she noticed was that the room was brightly lit, not by an artificial light, but by the curtain that had been drawn back. Guessing that at least one person was, therefore, already awake, Jimin sat up slowly. And that's when she noticed that Minjeong was no longer behind her. Her eyes drifted across the room, landing on Ning and Aeri, still asleep and lying in an even more compromising position than Jimin and Minjeong had been in. Jimin smiled fondly at them and retrieved her phone from where she had apparently dropped it on the floor.

Sinking into the back cushions of the couch, she unlocked her phone to find a text from her mom.

From Mom- Okay! Have fun!

Sent at four in the morning. No surprise there, Jimin thought to herself, leaving her text message app and instead trolling all of her social media. She wasn't really into any specific site, but she followed good accounts on all of them and used it as a pastime when she couldn't draw - which she obviously couldn't at this point. Her sketchbook was in her car outside, but she didn't feel like going and getting it.

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