Author's note.

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Did I scare you?




Hi guys.

How have you all been? I know what you're thinking, it's been so long am I right?

I'd just like to come on here and basically explain what's been going on the last several months that I have been missing from the face of the earth. I was originally going to post this on my message board, and I had it all written out, but apparently I exceed the word limit and it all got deleted when I tried to post it :( LOL.

Let me try this for the second time then.

Long story short, I was sixteen when I first started writing this book believe it or not and just recently this year, on the 21st of September I turned eighteen years old. And with this new, older age and year, I would say, a lot of responsibility has seemed to come upon me. A lot of responsibility, a shit tonne of course work that was due in a week ago and many failed chemistry exams. Need I say more💀 (Fuck AQA btw wtf man). But not only has this year brought me one of the most treacherous yet important academic years of my life, but it has also quite unexpectedly brought me to an individual I met this past summer, and whom I can now call my beautiful girlfriend. Everyone say WAYYYYYY. hehe. I love her very much, but she is the biggest distraction of the all and my relationship with her is also another huge responsibility I have. In other words she was stolen me away from you all. LOL.

I'm gonna be honest here when I say I'm not completely the same person I was since you last saw me all those months ago. I used to be Taylor Swifts biggest hater but after having met my now current girlfriend (who is her biggest fan may I add) I cant stop listening to the 10 minute version of 'All Too Well'. HAHAHA. But even tho I'm a different person in so many ways than I was, there is a small part of my heart that will always be owned by this story. To be truthful, overtime I had forgotten about the passion and love I once had for this story.

Lately, I've come across much inspiration that has blew upon the embers of that passion and when I think about Lily and Aurora, and their love story being left in a state of 'what could have been', it honestly makes me so sad and that is something I never want to happen. Now, I'm not saying that everything is going to go back to the way it was, because at least not straight away, it most definitely won't. But in the new year, I have made a vow to myself to continue gently blowing on those embers until they burn like the way they once did. I'm not promising updates in the frequency they once where, as please bare in mind I have some of the most important exams I'll ever take in my academic life within the next six months.

I cant promise you a date for the next update, all I have to offer you is the promise of the slowly resurfacing passion and enthusiasm I once had for this story.

I remember it all too well.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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