5| lost in translation

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Inaudible taps of fingertips played harmoniously to a faint tune against the leather armrest.

A Feminine hand loosely gripped the top of a leather steering wheel, effortlessly guiding the car as the engines low pur sounded through the road.

Aurora let out a drained sigh as she drove by tall stone buildings and a plentiful amount of restaurants, clubs and bars. Sitting in rush hour traffic was her least favourite part of her day, especially with tired workers mixed with bad road rage coming home from work in the late afternoon, honking and flipping middle fingers at anyone who makes any slight wrong manoeuvre or turn.

She had been kept back long after school hours with detention, a board meeting and a stack of work on her desk. Aurora ran a frustrated hand through her hair as she turned the wheel, she couldn't wait to get home and just flop on her bed with a big glass of wine to relax herself from the stress of the upcoming few months.

The sudden responsibility of having to tutor the girl just added onto that stress, she thought she was going have a peaceful year with teaching only one class and not having to take time out of her week to catch a student up on missed work.

She loved her job though; she loved it even more when she was given a class or classes to teach the subject she loved as well as the finance work she does for the board, but what she didn't like was annoying students. Aurora rolled her eyes at the kind of students that misbehaved continuously, slept in class, didn't care about their education, the ones who where always late and then tried asking her for help when they're failing before they even tried themselves, and generally just any student that got on her nerves.

In the little time she was acquainted with the young girl, she knew she was going to be a handful to manage. She was usually a rather patient woman, but for some reason this girl thinned that patience to a thread.

A soft buzz of her phone hummed on the passengers seat by her bag. The screen lit up with the message displayed at the top, she couldn't fully read what it said so she tried to peer her head over slightly so she didn't have to pick it up, her eyes moving between the road and the phone so she wouldn't crash.

She saw Nathan's name displayed at the top of the message but before she could read it something came flying out in front of her car. The woman slammed her foot onto the brakes to slow her car so she wouldn't collide with the bike.

Aurora swore to herself as she looked up at boy who peddled the bike and the girl who sat on the handle bars, giggling to themselves whilst the girl put her hand out to apologise for the reckless boy. Her eyebrows raised slightly as she recognised the uniform the girl was wearing and the long blonde hair that waved in the wind. This girl...

The two students sped off quickly down the road as the woman shook her head and rolled her eyes.


Driving through the city centre, she came closer to the neighbourhood she lived in as it became quieter and the roads lined with layers of trees and brick walls that hid the houses.

She parked her car at the front of her house when she came through the front gates. Grabbing her phone and bag from the other seat she looked down at the message and checked her phone, with a huff of air she put it in her bag and opened the door to step out the car.

Aurora opened her front door and immediately started taking off her earrings as she walked through the house to the kitchen. Sighing to herself she dumped her bag and earrings on the dark emperador marble kitchen island and kicked off her heels.

𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐓 ❅ (𝐠𝐱𝐠) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang