38: Christmas

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The day has finally arrived. Christmas is here.

Waking up, I realised I was on the living room's couch with a sleeping chocoholic on my chest.

A warm blanket was covering the both of us.

......Right, we stayed up exploring more of Undertale's Fandom last night....

After Chara played Undertale, she became a true fan of the Fandom and the Game itself.

I can confidently say, she knows most of the popular AUs now. Plus the story of Alphatale, of course.

Back to reality, I noticed two crimson pupils slowly beginning to emerge from the hair covering her face.

I carefully pulled the hair out of the way, only to reveal..... a pout?

"What's wrong?" I asked, gently caressing her hair.

"We have to get up, don't we?" She muttered, glancing at the clock, next to the TV.

It read 11:24.

"We can stay a bit more if you want."

She smiled, burying her face into my chest. After a few more minutes, Azzy burst through the door, causing both of us to jump and fall off the couch.

I quickly used Creator's Mastery to wrap the chocoholic in the blanket and held her up. I, however didn't have such a fortunate fate.

Upon contact with the floor, my head left a small dent. Very visible, if I may add.

Azzy then rushed over to us.

"Y/N, are you alright? I-I'm so sorry! It's just.... I was so excited. A-And..."

"I'm okay." I said, slowly rising up and facing him. "What got you so excited in the first place."

His face lit up and he struck a poze.

"I, The Great Asriel, have unlocked the Hyper Goner!" He exclaimed proudly.

"Already?" I gave him a head pat. "See, I told you, you'll become stronger."

"Thank you!" He gave me a hug as an angry glare pierced directly through our souls.

"Get me down already!" Yelled Chara, hovering in the air and struggling to get out of the blanket.


I released my hold on the blanket after lowering her back down.

She then got up and stared at me, crossing her arms.

"It's about time." She murmured with a pout as I ruffled her hair.


She then turned towards Azzy.

"You said you unlocked the Hyper Goner? Doesn't that attack devour the entire timeline?" She stared at Azzy with a confused look.

"About that. The attack fully formed, but wasn't able to do anything to the AU." He then looked towards me, waiting for an explanation.

"The whole AU is immune to those kind of attacks." I explained, waving my hand towards the dent in the floor and repairing it. "After the...... incident with Mecha!404, I made a stronger barrier around the AU. Probably the strongest I've ever made."

After my last statement, I could see the excitement on his face.

"Oh, and about the party. When does it start?" He asked after calming down.

"1 PM. I guess we have a bit of time to waste. How about we head to Grillby's?" I suggested as Azzy nodded and Chara teleported us away.

Once there, I noticed Chara teleported us directly to the counter, which made Grillby jump a bit.

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