39: Creation

477 21 55

1 Year Later


So, it's been awhile. There weren't any big incidents during the past year, except a few higher beings crossing into our Eden Orb.

In the end, I managed to defeat them, and even signed a contract with the higher-ups at the Citadel.

As long as I don't cause any more trouble, they'll do their best to keep my Eden Orb safe.

I was surprised, to say the least. But after giving it some thought, they probably only did that, because of my potential. And I gotta say, I get that. They have enough enemies to take care of. No more are needed.

After having my internal monologue, I was pulled out of my thoughts by my hand heading for my dark-red suit's pocket.

I pulled out a green, yellow-striped box and stared at it with a slight smile on my face.

"Is that it?" Asked the enthusiastic goat monster, carefully muching on a star-shaped cookie as to not damage his yellow suit.


"You already talked to mom and dad, right?"

"Of course."

"So, when are you going to ask her?"

"Today. I have the perfect place." I reassured him with a proud smile.

"Well? Open it. I can't wait to see it!" He exclaimed, finishing his cookie.


Opening the little box, we were awestruck by the sheer beauty of the little gemstone.

A crimson light illuminated our faces.

"W-Where did you even get something like this? Did you just poof it into existance?"

"Nope. I made it myself."

"Well, it took some time, but after I got the materials and the information on how to make one, it wasn't that hard." I explained, still staring at my mesmerizing creation.

"Rei! Y/N! Are you ready for the Wedding?" Yelled Chara from upstairs, startling us and causing me to drop the box.

From instinct, I opened a Wormhole to hide it from sight.

"Y-Yeah! Don't worry, we won't be late! We can't miss the God of the Multiverse's Wedding, after all!" Replied Azzy, trying to contain his panik as I dropped to my knees.

After hearing his answer, Chara headed off to finish preparing herself as Azzy rushed over to my side.

"Where did that Wormhole lead to?"

"T-That's the thing. I panicked and didn't set any coordonates to it. It could be anywhere in the Void right now!" A blob of smoke formed near my head with a grin as big as he could muster.

"Good job, kid." He mocked, flying around my head.

Sensing my anguish, Bang and Fang rushed over to my side, in an attempt to comfort me.

Then, suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Turning around, I recognised the old scientist.


"Hello, Y/N. I think this belongs to you." He handed me the green and yellow box with one of his flying hands.

I shot up to my feet and grabbed the box.

"Gaster, you lifesaver!" I thanked him and he shot me a smile, before turning towards Azzy.

With the situation resolved, the two cats headed back to their sweet spot on the couch.

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