27: Date?

763 21 36

As Y/N woke up in a loving embrace, there was only one thing on his mind...... Chocolate.


'Huh? What's this smell? Chocolate.....' I tought as I looked around and noticed I was in Chara's room.

I looked beside me, only to find a sleeping chocoholic. Trying to get up, I noticed I was trapped with vines on all sides.

Chuckling, I gave her a light kiss on the head and lied back down as I enjoyed the peaceful moment......

"CHARA!" Yelled an adorable little goat monster as it slammed the door open.

I nearly fell off the bed, but the vines caught me just in time as I looked to the side. Chara's eye glowed a bright red as I began to sweat.

"O-Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you." Said Azzy as he quickly slammed the door shut and ran to the kitchen.

I giggled as Chara calmed down and sighed.

"I guess we should get up too, huh?" I asked as I tried to get up again, only to be met by the same result. The vines pushed me back as Chara gave me a tight hug.

"Just five more minutes....." She said as I smiled and began stroking her head.

We laid there for a bit until I sighed and teleported us both outside of the room.

"W-Wha?" She asked, trying to understand the situation as I smiled at her reaction.

"Cmon' we have a long day ahead." I said as she stared at me confused, but went along with it anyway.

As we made our way downstairs, I noticed the whole goat family sitting at the kitchen table.

"Good morning." I greeted as Chara waved her hand, still not completely awake.

"H-How is she up so early?" Asked Azzy as I chuckled.

"Y/N, we whould like to talk about your plans. What do you intend to do now?" Asked Toriel as I stared at her and sighed.

"Well, first of all, I'm gonna expand the underground" I said as Asgore fell out of his seat, spilling his tea all over the place.

I chuckled and snapped my fingers, undoing his actions as he looked at me amazed.

"W-What?" Asked Toriel as she stared at me in shock.

"Well, as much as I whould like to just break the barrier, we all know how humans are. Even now, they're just as selfish or even more selfish than before the war." I explained as she nodded slowly.

"R-Right. Creator...." She murmured as I tought about the procedure.

"So, first, I sould talk with the king." I said out loud as they all looked at me.

"You can go after we eat." Said Chara, dragging me to the table as I smiled.

We ate some of Azzy's cookies with milk as I talked more with the dreemurrs.

After the meal, the time finally came so I said my goodbyes as Chara gave me a quick peck on the lips. I smiled and snapped my fingers, ending up in the throne room.

The figure of the skeleton stood onto the throne, towering over me as I walked closer.

"T-The Creator?" Asked the skeleton as I got closer.

"Howdy, Sans." I greeted as I made myself a big throne infront of his throne.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, a bit on edge.

"Well, I wanna talk to you about the underground. You see, I wanna expand it with some spatial magic and I need your input on the new design." I explained as he stared at me shocked.

Y/N the Creator (Alphatale Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now