17: Recovering

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As Y/N walked through the portal, he fell face first into the.... snow?


'What is this? Snow.... I'm in some forest, probably close to a Snowdin.', I tought as I looked through the code of the AU.

'Storyshift #532, huh?' I began walking along the path to Snowdin, but something was wrong. There wasn't a single monster in shight. "Genocide.... That means.... Shifty", I murmured as I teleported through the Underground, eventually reaching the Judgement Hall.

As I stepped into the Judgement Hall, I saw Shifty about to slash SS!Chara with his chainsaw. I teleported between them, taking the hit head on. The chainsaw shattered on contact with my skull. I then pulled some strings from my tear as I sent them straight for Shifty's soul.

Once cought Shifty began yelling at me, but I just ignored him and looked behind me at the tired Chara. Seeing her brought back some unsetteling memories. I knew that the Charas were the victims of the Player's or Frisk's curiosity, always being blamed for the genocide runs, even though that was not the case for this one, since she's a judge here. So I had a soft spot for them, especially this one, since SS!Chara was always my favourite Chara. I then shifted my gase back to Shifty.

"WHO ARE YOU?!", asked Shifty with anger in his voice. "Doesn't matter. Lets just get this over with.", I sighed as I pulled a window infront of me. "You aren't even worth absorbing. What to do with you?" I then got an idea as I copied his code before saying "Why don't I try some of that new Mainframe power? Erase...", I said, pointing at him as Shifty got erased from existace. 'Preety neat, though I don't think It'll work on a strong oponent. And it takes quite a lot of power, since I'm already exausted from recreating that Alphatale.', I tought as I turned back to the Chara.

"You alright?", I asked the Chara as she just stared at me. "W-Who are you?", she asked with her trembling voice. "I'm Y/N and don't worry, I'll reset the AU and Shifty won't come back, but before that I need some res...t.......", I explained, falling asleep mid sentence.


I stared at the skeleton as he told me his name 'Y/N', I tought as I saw him falling and..... transforming into a human? I cought him and tought 'He's a human now? Wasn't he a skeleton just a moment ago? Wait, he said he can reset? Without Shifty coming back?' I decided to take him to king Sans, since he was the only other person alive.

As I made my way through the Judgement Hall, I kept thinking how this powerful monster or human got here. He wasn't here in any of the last resets, so he must be an anomaly, right? My thoughts were cut short as I heard a voice "C-Chara? You're alive?" "Your Majesty, I was about to die when this skeleton appeared out of nowhere and erased the human. He then fell unconscious and transformed into a human.", I tried explaining the best I could, still not sure myself.

"Erased? And he was a skeleton before?", asked Sans as I nodded "Yes, he erased the human completely. After that he suddenly fainted." Sans looked at the human and nodded "He's just exhausted. Bring him to new home." I nodded and headed to Sans' house. I laid the human in one of the beds and stared at his sleeping face. 'He's a human, but now that I get a closer look. He's actually kinda..... cute? No, he's a human Chara, what are you thinking?' I tought as I blushed and teleported to waterfall.

Temskip (Brought to you by chibi SS!Chara staring at her own reflection, while gripping Rei's bandana.)


I woke up in a white room and looked around. 'This must be new home...', I tought as I got out of bed and headed to the door. As I opened the door, I noticed an all too familiar mirror down the hallway. I stared at it and realised I'm in human form. I touched my face to make sure as I heard a sudden voice behind me "Despite everything, It's still you."

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