28: New Underground

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A few days past with more and more monsters moving to the new part of the Underground. Some still remained in the original Underground, not wanting to leave their homes behind, but tough they whould still visit.


As I was walking with Chara through the new Underground, I saw the new bar Grillby opened up.

"Hey, Chara. Look." I said excited, pointing at the new Grillby's.

"Lets go and take a look." She said, taking my hand and dragging me right behind her.

We entered the bar and were greeted by a few new faces from different parts of the Underground. The bar itself looked identical like the one back in Snowdin.

We headed towards the counter as Grillby greeted us in his wordless language.

"Greetings" Both Chara and I said at the same time, causing both of us to blush.

Grillby smirked and asked us what we wanted.

"The ususal." I simply said as he nodded and headed off to prepare two cups of hot cocoa.

I turned to Chara and decided to share a new idea of mine.

"So, I've been thinking.... I met almost everyone except Undyne. How about we head to the Lab after this?" I asked as she nodded happily.

Grillby came back with our cups and we started drinking them as Grillby stared at me.

"What?" I asked as he began talking to me.

"Yea, It's ready." I murmured as gave me a nod.

"What did he say?" Asked Chara, startling me.

"N-Nothing." I said, looking away as Grillby gave me a 'really?' look.

Chara began staring at me as she slowly took sips from her cup.

"Don't worry about it." I reassured her as she sighed and nodded.

After we both finished our cups, we thanked Grillby as I snapped my fingers creating a few Gs and a small TV on the counter before teleporting us to the Lab.

As we walked through the Lab, I sensed Asgore a few rooms away, so I led Chara to him.

"Hello, Asgore." I greeted the big goat monster as he jumped from his couch, spilling his tea all over the place.

"O-Oh, Y/N, and Chara. It's you." He said, calming down and pausing his anime as I snapped my fingers and erased all the spilled tea.

"So, what are you doing here?" He asked as fixed his glasses.

"I wanted to meet Undyne. Maybe even participate in one of her shows." I explained as he tought for a bit. He then pressed a button on a small remote and the walls started to shake.

After a few seconds, Undyne broke through a wall and stared at me.

"Undyne this is-" Said Asgore before he was interrupted.

"THE CREATOR!" Said the fish cyborg as she started circling around me.

She took my hand and dragged me to a stage with Chara tagging along not far behind.

A screen appeared out of nowhere and she started a live.

"HELLO, EVERYONE AND WELCOME TO UNDYNE TV. TODAY, WE HAVE A VERY SPECIAL GUEST WITH US. THE CREATOR, Y/N!" She said as her ratings immediately started blowing up.

I shyly waved my had at the camera as I heard a chuckling chocoholic behind me.

Snapping my fingers, I teleported her onto the stage as she looked around confused.

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