29: Unexpected arrival

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As Y/N woke up, he could only think about the upcoming Movie Date.


"Hey, Chara." I said slowly as the chocoholic opened her red eyes.

"Huh?" she murured as I chuckled.

"Cmon' we need to get up." I said as she sighed.

We got up and prepared for the upcoming date as I heard a knock on the door.

"Hey, you guys up yet?" Asked the familiar voice of a certain goat monster.

"We'll be down in a minute." I said as I heard a few footsteps walking away from the door.

Temskip (Brought to you by Y/N and Chara eating Azzy's Cookies.)

"Bye, Rei" Said Chara as we waved towards Azzy.

"See you soon." He said as we headed outside.

"So, what do you wanna do first?" I asked as we began walking through Snowdin.

"How about go shopping." She said as I nodded.

As we walked closer to Waterfall, I sensed a high energy heading straight towards Chara.

Without thinking, I jumped infront of her to shield her as something broke through the ceiling of the Underground.

As it made contact with my head, I felt myself losing consciousness.


"Y/N?" I asked, turning towards him as I saw his body fall to the ground.

I quickly cought him before he fell and looked to the side to see the remains of a...... robot?

Looking back at Y/N's unconscious body, I felt another being dart down through the hole in the ceiling.

"W-William?" I asked shocked as I gased upon his transformation.

No, this was not William. He was in the same transformation he used against Ink back then. I quickly recalled something Y/N told me a while back. This transformation had those eyes. The Eyes of Belial. I darted my vision away from its eyes and looked back to Y/N.

Malware was probably in control. Did that piece of junk really push him as far as to let him take control? Those bits of metal?

"What happened?" Asked Malware, confused as to why Y/N was laying on the ground unconscious.

"That piece of junk came flying through the ceiling. It was about to hit me, but he took the hit instead." I explained as his eyes shot towards the bits of metal, realising what he had just done.

"N-No, no, no, NO! This can't be happening! H-He's gonna kill me....." Exclaimed Malware as he tried running away, but his body was suddenly engulfed into a blue mist.

"Where do you think you're going?" Asked a deep voice coming from Y/N's body as Malware flinched. This was probably his Malware.

"Malware, is Y/N-" I tried asking as he interrupted me.

"He's in the Sub-Space. Now.... I've grown kinda tired of torturing Shifty. Let's add to the colection." He said with a grin as he snapped his fingers. Suddenly both Malwares disappeared, along with William's body, and I heard Y/N's voice.

"Are you ok?" He asked as I hugged him.

"Dummy. I was worried, y'know. Who could knock you unconscious?" I asked as he looked to the side, seeing the pieces of metal.

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