35: Mistake

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A few days past since D+ got teleported to the Transvoid and apparently, he wasn't the only one.

More and more 'Gates' have been appearing around the whole Reality, so KM asked me to look into it.

"Why did a Gate have to appear in this AU?" Asked Chara, drawing my attention to her.

We were both looking through the AUs, looking for the cause of these 'Gates' appearing.

"I don't know. Let's just look into it and leave quickly." I said sighing, as I began walking towards the Gate in the AU's Snowdin.

As soon as we reached the town, most of the monsters started staring at us with lustful glares.

We ignored them as we finally arrived at the Gate, which was behind Grillby's bar.

A small hole as black as the Void was floating in the air, near one of the garbage cans.

"These Gates are so annoying....." Said Chara as she leaned against the wall of the bar.

"Yeah...... Ugh, this never happened in Alphatale before. My presence must be the cause......." I muttered as I searched for any clue in the Gate's code.

Then, suddenly, the door burst open. Grillby stood there with a garbage bag in his hands as we stared at each other.

He just burned the bag and closed the door as I turned to Chara. Be both burst out into laughter.

After a few seconds, the door was opened once again and out walked....... Lust.

"Not him...." I muttered under my breath as the skeleton started walking towards us.

"Hello there, Creator~" He said seductively as Chara stepped infront of him.

"Stay back." She demanded as the skeleton grinned.

"Don't worry missy, I just want to have a talk with the guest." Said Lust as he walked around Chara and approached me.

"So, mister Creator....... I saw you back at Nightmare's Castle, but you didn't even greet me~" He said, bringing a bony finger to his teeth.

"I haven't greeted a lot of Sanses back then." I said, pushing him back a little, since he got too close.

He grinned and approached me again. He placed a bony finger on my chest as I put a barrier around Chara, since her aura was enough to shatter the nearby AUs.

"What do you want, Lust?" I asked, pushing his hand away.

"Oh, nothing. I was just curious about the whole 'Gate situation'." He said as he glanced towards the little Gate.

"Well, we don't know anything yet. So, you can go away now." I said as I turned towards the Gate and started searching through its code again.

Seeing this, Lust jumped towards me and gave me a quick peck close to the lips.

A second later, his skull shattered, along with the whole AU, due to Chara's knife.

Turning towards her, I stared into her teary eyes.

I quickly tried to hold her hand, but she disappeared in a red light and completely erased her presence from the entire Eden Orb.

Taking in what just happened, I stared into the black void, that once was a disgusting AU, and a sudden burst of aura emerged from my body.

The whole Reality started to shake as I snapped my fingers and placed all the Lust AUs in a line.

I then shot a God Ray, destroying all of them as the newly formed black blob of smoke, that formed near my shoulder, opened his mouth to speak.

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