AU: Ultra Instinct Training

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Chapter 1: The Arrival of Whis

Erza Scarlet, the renowned S-Class mage of Fairy Tail, sat at the guild hall, enjoying a peaceful afternoon with her husband, Son Zuri. Zuri, a Saiyan warrior with a striking resemblance to the legendary Goku, wore his signature blue gi, a symbol of his heritage. Their two daughters, Aria and Luna, played nearby, their laughter filling the air.

Suddenly, a figure appeared at the entrance of the guild hall. It was Whis, the angelic attendant of Lord Beerus and mentor to Goku and Vegeta. Zuri's eyes widened in surprise, recognizing the powerful being before him.

"Whis! What brings you here?" Zuri exclaimed, standing up to greet the angel.

Whis smiled warmly, his calm demeanor radiating an air of tranquility. "Ah, Zuri, it's good to see you. I've come to see how your training in Ultra Instinct is."

Zuri smiles. "It's been great so far."

Whis smiled. Aria and Luna, curious about the newcomer, approached their parents. Aria, the eldest, had inherited her mother's fiery red hair and determined spirit. Luna, the youngest, also had her mother's firey red hair and her father's mischievous eyes.

"Who is this, Dad?" Aria asked, her eyes filled with curiosity.

Zuri introduced Whis to his daughters, explaining his role as Goku and Vegeta's mentor. The girls listened intently, their excitement growing.

Whis turned to Aria and Luna, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Would you two like to learn Ultra Instinct as well?"

Aria's eyes widened, her heart racing with anticipation. "Really? Can we, Dad?"

Zuri nodded, a proud smile on his face. "Of course, my dear. It's a rare opportunity. You should take it."

Luna, always eager for adventure, jumped up and down. "Yes! Let's do it, Aria!"

And so, the training began. Whis guided Aria and Luna through the intricate techniques of Ultra Instinct, teaching them to tap into their inner power and react instinctively in battle. Days turned into weeks, and the girls showed remarkable progress, their determination shining through.

Chapter 2: Bonds Strengthened

As the training continued, Aria and Luna grew closer to Whis, forming a bond that went beyond that of a mentor and students. Whis, impressed by their dedication and spirit, found himself genuinely enjoying their company.

During breaks, Whis would regale them with stories of Goku and Vegeta's adventures, captivating the girls with tales of epic battles and incredible transformations. Aria and Luna, in turn, shared stories of their own adventures in Fairy Tail, their eyes shining with excitement.

Erza watched her daughters and Whis with a mixture of pride and curiosity. She had always known that Aria and Luna were special, but seeing them train alongside a being as powerful as Whis only reinforced that belief. She couldn't help but wonder what the future held for her daughters.

One evening, as the sun set over Magnolia, Erza approached Whis, her eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Whis, for everything you've done for Aria and Luna. They've grown so much under your guidance."

Whis smiled warmly, his eyes twinkling with wisdom. "It has been my pleasure, Lady Erza. Your daughters possess incredible potential. I have no doubt that they will become formidable mages in their own right."

Erza nodded, her heart swelling with pride. "I believe in them, just as I believe in Zuri. Together, they are an unstoppable force."

Whis chuckled softly, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "Indeed, the Scarlet family is a force to be reckoned with. But remember, true strength lies not only in power but in the bonds we forge with others."

Erza's eyes softened, her gaze drifting towards Zuri, who was training with Aria and Luna in the distance. "Yes, you're right. Our family's strength comes from the love and support we have for one another."

And so, as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the Scarlet family's bond grew stronger. With Whis's guidance, Aria and Luna unlocked their true potential, becoming powerful mages in their own right. And through it all, love and friendship remained at the core of their journey, shaping their destinies and forever intertwining their lives.

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