AU: The Mischievous Household

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Chapter 1: Chore Wars

Erza Scarlet and her husband, Son Zuri, the Son of Goku, were enjoying a lazy morning in their cozy house. Clad in their pajamas, they lounged around, relishing the peacefulness of the day. Little did Zuri know that his avoidance of household chores would soon catch up with him.

Erza, with her fiery red hair cascading down her back, walked into the kitchen, intending to make herself a cup of coffee. However, her plans were momentarily derailed when she laid eyes on the sink overflowing with dirty dishes. A mischievous smile crept across her face as she realized that her husband had been neglecting his duties.

Summoning a belt with a flick of her wrist, Erza couldn't help but chuckle evilly. "BOY!" she called out, her voice filled with amusement. Zuri, a mischievous glint in his eyes, appeared from the hallway, grinning at his wife's antics.

With a wicked grin, Erza began to dance around the kitchen, playfully taunting Zuri. "Get Over Here!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with playful authority. Zuri, unable to resist his wife's charm, obediently approached her.

As Zuri drew closer, Erza playfully spanked him, scolding him with a mock sternness. "You've been avoiding your chores, young man," she teased. "It's time to face the consequences."

Erza then asked Zuri to do the dishes, but he playfully refused, crossing his arms defiantly. "I ain't doing the doggone dishes!" he exclaimed, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes. "And there ain't no way you're gonna make me!"

Erza couldn't help but laugh evilly once again, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, I have my ways~" she replied, her voice dripping with playful menace. She resumed her dancing, causing Zuri to freeze in his tracks, excitement bubbling up within him.

Realizing that his wife had a trick up her sleeve, Zuri quickly changed his tune. With a burst of energy, he dashed towards the sink, determined to complete the task at hand. Erza's laughter filled the room as she watched her husband diligently scrubbing away at the dishes.

Chapter 2: The Comedy Unfolds

As Zuri diligently tackled the mountain of dirty dishes, Erza couldn't help but be entertained by the scene unfolding before her. Her husband's exaggerated expressions and comical gestures brought a smile to her face.

The kitchen became a stage for their playful banter, with Erza occasionally throwing in a playful comment or two. "Don't forget to scrub behind your ears, dear," she teased, causing Zuri to roll his eyes in mock exasperation.

Their dialogue-driven interactions filled the air, creating a lighthearted atmosphere in their home. Erza's witty remarks and Zuri's playful comebacks kept the laughter flowing, turning a mundane chore into a delightful comedy routine.

As Zuri finally finished the last dish, he turned to Erza with a triumphant grin. "All done, my love," he declared, his voice filled with pride. Erza applauded him, her eyes shining with admiration.

With the chore war now over, Erza and Zuri embraced, their laughter echoing through the house. They reveled in the joy of their playful relationship, cherishing the moments of light-heartedness that brought them closer together.

Epilogue: A Household Filled with Love and Laughter

Erza and Zuri's household continued to be a place of love and laughter. Their playful banter and mischievous antics became a trademark of their relationship, bringing joy to their everyday lives.

Whether it was tackling chores or embarking on new adventures, Erza and Zuri faced each day with a sense of humor and a deep love for one another. Their dialogue-driven interactions and comedic exchanges became the foundation of their bond, reminding them to never take life too seriously.

In the end, it was their ability to find humor in the simplest of moments that made their love story truly magical. And as they danced through life together, Erza and Zuri knew that their laughter would forever be the soundtrack of their happily ever after.

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