AU: A Song In The Guild

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Chapter 1: A Song in the Guild

The bustling atmosphere of Fairy Tail Guild was alive with laughter and chatter. Members of the renowned guild went about their daily activities, some training, others enjoying a drink at the bar. Erza Scarlet, the guild's strongest female mage, sat at a table with her husband, Son Zuri, and their two daughters, Aria and Luna.

Erza, with her fiery red hair and piercing scarlet eyes, looked over at her family with a smile. Zuri, a Saiyan with spiky black hair and a muscular build, resembled a teenage Goku. Aria, the eldest daughter, inherited her mother's crimson locks and had a determined expression on her face. Luna, the youngest, had a mischievous glint in her eyes and a playful smile.

As the family enjoyed their time together, Luna suddenly jumped up from her seat, her excitement palpable. "I have an idea!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

Erza raised an eyebrow, curious about her daughter's sudden burst of energy. "What is it, Luna?"

Luna's smile widened as she looked at her sister and Wendy, who had joined them at the table. "Let's sing a song! Aria, Wendy, and I have been practicing this really cool song called 'Polyrhythm' by Perfume. It's so catchy, and I think everyone will love it!"

Aria and Wendy exchanged glances, their eyes lighting up with excitement. "That sounds like a great idea, Luna!" Aria said, her voice filled with anticipation. "We've been practicing for weeks, and it would be amazing to perform it for everyone."

Zuri smiles and agrees. "I'd love to hear you girls sing. It's been a while since we've had some music in the guild."

The family made their way to the center of the guild, where a makeshift stage had been set up. The members of Fairy Tail gathered around, their curiosity piqued by the Scarlet family's sudden performance. Erza stood at the side, a proud smile on her face as she watched her daughters and Wendy take the stage.

Aria, Luna, and Wendy stood side by side, their voices harmonizing as they began to sing.

The catchy melody of "Polyrhythm" filled the guild, capturing the attention of everyone present. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, their enthusiasm contagious.

The Scarlet family's performance was a resounding success. Aria's powerful voice blended perfectly with Luna's sweet and melodic tone, while Wendy's angelic voice added an ethereal touch. The guild members couldn't help but be captivated by their performance, their cheers echoing throughout the guild hall.

As the song came to an end, the guild erupted into thunderous applause. The Scarlet family basked in the adoration, their smiles widening with each cheer. Erza couldn't have been prouder of her daughters and the bond they shared with Wendy.

After the performance, the guild members surrounded the Scarlet family, showering them with compliments and praise. Erza, Zuri, Aria, Luna, and Wendy basked in the warmth of their guild family, feeling a sense of belonging and love that only Fairy Tail could provide.

And so, the Scarlet family's love for music and their bond with their guildmates continued to grow, creating a harmony that would forever resonate within the walls of Fairy Tail.

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