AU: Erza's Birthday

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Once upon a time in the magical land of Fiore, there lived a powerful and fearless mage named Erza Scarlet. She was a member of the renowned Fairy Tail guild, known for her unmatched strength and unwavering determination. Erza had faced countless battles and emerged victorious, but there was one thing she desired more than anything else - love.

Erza had always been a strong and independent woman, but deep down, she longed for a partner who could understand and support her. Little did she know that fate had something extraordinary in store for her. One day, while on a mission, Erza encountered a young man named Son Zuri. He possessed a gentle demeanor and a warm smile that instantly captivated her heart.

Son Zuri was the son of the legendary warrior Son Goku, known for his incredible strength and bravery. He had inherited his father's fighting spirit but had chosen a different path, seeking peace and harmony rather than constant battles. When Erza and Zuri met, it was as if their souls recognized each other, and a deep connection formed between them.

As time passed, Erza and Zuri's bond grew stronger, and they fell deeply in love. They shared their dreams, fears, and aspirations, finding solace in each other's arms. Erza's birthday was approaching, and Zuri wanted to make it a day she would never forget.

On the day of Erza's birthday, Zuri woke up early to prepare a special surprise for his beloved. He knew how much Erza loved flowers, so he ventured into the enchanted forest to gather the most exquisite blossoms. With each step, he could feel the magic of the forest guiding him, as if it knew the importance of this day.

Meanwhile, Erza woke up to find a note from Zuri, instructing her to meet him at a secret location. Intrigued and excited, she followed the clues he had left behind, leading her deeper into the heart of the forest. As she walked, Erza couldn't help but marvel at the beauty surrounding her, feeling a sense of tranquility she had never experienced before.

Finally, Erza arrived at a clearing in the forest, where Zuri stood, holding a bouquet of the most vibrant flowers she had ever seen. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized the effort and love he had put into this surprise. Without a word, Erza rushed into Zuri's arms, feeling an overwhelming sense of joy and gratitude.

In that moment, surrounded by nature's beauty, Erza and Zuri shared a passionate kiss, sealing their love forever. They knew that their journey together would be filled with challenges, but they were ready to face them hand in hand, supporting and protecting each other.

From that day forward, Erza and Son Zuri became an inseparable couple, their love shining brighter than any magic spell. They continued to fight for justice and protect their loved ones, but now they had something even more precious - a love that would withstand any test of time.

And so, Fairy Tail's strongest mage, Erza Scarlet, and the son of Son Goku, Son Zuri, embarked on a new adventure together, their hearts entwined in a love that would forever be their greatest source of strength.

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