AU: Grand Magic Games: Zuri Vs. Vegito

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Once upon a time in the magical land of Fiore, there lived a powerful and fearless warrior named Erza Scarlet. She was a member of the renowned guild Fairy Tail, known for their incredible strength and unwavering loyalty. Erza was not only a force to be reckoned with, but she was also a loving wife and mother.

Erza had married a Saiyan warrior named Son Zuri, who bore a striking resemblance to the legendary Goku. Zuri was a kind-hearted and powerful fighter, always ready to protect his family and friends. He wore a blue gi, a symbol of his Saiyan heritage.

Together, Erza and Zuri had two beautiful daughters, Aria and Luna. Aria, the eldest, possessed her mother's fiery spirit and determination. Luna, the youngest, had inherited her father's Saiyan strength and love for adventure. The Scarlet Family was a force to be reckoned with, both on and off the battlefield.

One day, the Grand Magic Games were announced, a prestigious tournament where the strongest guilds from all over Fiore would compete. The Scarlet Family decided to participate, eager to showcase their skills and make their mark in the magical world.

As the tournament progressed, Zuri found himself facing off against a formidable opponent, Vegito. Vegito was the Potara Fusion of Goku and Vegeta, a warrior of immense power. The crowd watched in anticipation as the battle began.

Zuri and Vegito exchanged blows, their strength and speed matching each other move for move. As they fought, they couldn't help but engage in playful banter, much like Spider-Man. Their quips and jokes echoed through the arena, entertaining the audience and adding a touch of humor to the intense battle.

In the end, Zuri emerged victorious, earning Vegito's respect. The crowd erupted in cheers, amazed by the Saiyan's strength and skill. Zuri's victory was not only a personal triumph but also a testament to the Scarlet Family's indomitable spirit.

With the Grand Magic Games coming to a close, Erza, Zuri, and their daughters returned to Fairy Tail, eager to reunite with their guildmates. However, they were in for a surprise when they arrived. Standing before them was Vegito, a smile on his face.

"I've decided to join Fairy Tail!" Vegito announced, his voice filled with excitement. "I've seen the strength and camaraderie of this guild, and I want to be a part of it."

The Scarlet Family's joy knew no bounds as they welcomed Vegito into their guild. They knew that with his immense power and unwavering determination, Vegito would be a valuable addition to their team.

From that day forward, the Scarlet Family and Vegito fought side by side, protecting Fiore from any threat that came their way. Their adventures were filled with laughter, friendship, and of course, epic battles. Together, they formed an unbreakable bond, proving that family and friendship were the strongest magic of all.

And so, the Scarlet Family's legacy continued, their story forever etched in the annals of Fairy Tail. With their love, strength, and unwavering determination, they inspired generations to come, reminding them that no matter the challenge, they could overcome it as long as they stood together.

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