AU: The Memory Book

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Chapter 1: Zuri's Appearance

Erza Scarlet, a renowned member of the Fairy Tail guild, sat on the couch in her cozy pajamas, her scarlet hair cascading down her back. Beside her, her Saiyan husband, Son Zuri, lounged comfortably, his spiky black hair contrasting with his vibrant blue eyes. They were enjoying a rare day off from their adventures, relishing in the simple pleasure of spending time together at home.

Their eldest daughter, Aria, a fiery young girl with her mother's scarlet hair and her father's Saiyan strength, was engrossed in a book, her nose buried in its pages. Luna, the youngest of the Scarlet family, with her own fiery scarlet, mischievous smile and Saiyan power, bounded into the room, clutching a worn-out book in her tiny hands.

"Look what I found, Mommy!" Luna exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement.

Erza turned her attention to her youngest daughter, her curiosity piqued. "What have you got there, Luna?"

Luna skipped over to her parents, her tiny feet barely making a sound on the wooden floor. She held out the book for her parents to see. "It's a memory book! I found it in your room, Mommy."

Erza's eyes widened as she recognized the book. It was a treasure trove of memories, filled with pictures and mementos from her and Zuri's childhood. She took the book from Luna's hands, her fingers tracing the worn-out cover.

Zuri leaned closer, his interest piqued. "Ah, the memory book. I haven't seen that in years."

Erza opened the book, revealing a picture of her and Zuri as children, their smiles bright and carefree. Memories flooded her mind, and she couldn't help but smile at the nostalgia.

Aria, sensing her parents' excitement, closed her own book and joined them on the couch. "What's that, Mom? Can I see?"

Erza nodded, her eyes shining with a mixture of joy and sentimentality. "Of course, Aria. This is a book filled with memories of your father and me when we were young."

Aria's eyes widened, her curiosity piqued. "Really? Can you show us more pictures, Mom?"

Erza flipped through the pages, revealing snapshots of her and Zuri's childhood adventures. There were pictures of them playing in the fields, training together, and even a few embarrassing ones that made them all laugh.

Luna leaned closer, her eyes wide with wonder. "Mommy, Daddy, you were so little!"

Zuri giggled, ruffling Luna's hair affectionately. "Yes, Luna, we were. Just like you and Aria are now."

Aria's eyes sparkled with excitement as she pointed to a picture of her parents dressed in their Fairy Tail guild uniforms. "Look, Luna! Mom and Dad were in Fairy Tail too!"

Erza nodded, a fond smile on her face. "Yes, we were. Fairy Tail has always been a part of our lives, just like it is for you two."

As they continued to flip through the pages, the Scarlet family shared stories and laughter, their love for each other shining through every memory captured in the book.

Little did they know that this simple act of reminiscing would bring them even closer together, strengthening the bonds of their family and reminding them of the love and adventures that awaited them in the future.

And so, in the comfort of their home, surrounded by memories and love, the Scarlet family continued to create their own story, one filled with laughter, strength, and the unbreakable bond that held them together.

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