AU: Zuri breaks the bed

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Once upon a time, in the magical land of Fiore, there lived a powerful and fearless mage named Erza Scarlet. She was a member of the renowned guild Fairy Tail, known for their incredible strength and unwavering loyalty. Erza was not only known for her skills in battle but also for her fiery red hair and her captivating personality.

Erza was married to a kind-hearted and mischievous man named Zuri. Zuri was not only a mage like his wife, but he also possessed a charm that could melt even the coldest of hearts. Together, they lived in a cozy little cottage on the outskirts of Magnolia, where they could enjoy some peace and quiet away from the chaos of the guild.

One sunny afternoon, while Erza was out running errands, Zuri decided to surprise his wife by fixing their old bed. It had been creaking and groaning for weeks, and Zuri thought it was time for a little repairing, so he set to work.

However, as fate would have it, Zuri's repair attempt didn't go as planned. With one wrong move, the bed frame snapped in half, leaving Zuri frozen in fear. Panic washed over him as he realized the trouble he had gotten himself into. He quickly threw the tools in the closet before heading to the living room and looking around, searching for a place to hide.

Spotting the couch nearby, Zuri dove under it, hoping that Erza wouldn't notice the broken bed upon her return. He held his breath, praying that luck would be on his side.

A few hours later, Erza returned home, her arms laden with groceries and put them on the counter. As she walked upstairs and entered the bedroom, her eyes widened in surprise at the sight of the broken bed. A mischievous smile tugged at her lips as she playfully summoned a belt, and began to search for her husband.

Unbeknownst to Erza, Zuri was still hiding under the couch, his heart pounding in his chest. He watched as his wife came back downstairs and moved around the room, pretending to be on the hunt for him. Erza's laughter filled the air, and Zuri couldn't help but smile at the sound.

Erza, thinking that Zuri was playing a game of hide and seek, turned her back for a moment, giving Zuri the perfect opportunity to make his escape. He crawled out from under the couch and tiptoed towards the door, hoping to slip away unnoticed.

But Erza's keen senses caught a glimpse of movement, and she swiftly turned around, her eyes locking onto Zuri. A mischievous glint sparkled in her eyes as she lunged forward, determined to catch her husband.

Zuri let out a yelp and sprinted through the house at Sonic The Hedgehog speeds. 

A smirk creeps across his wife's lips and she got into a racing start position. "Requip." She whispered. 

Erza requipped into her Flight Armor and she was hot on his heels

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Erza requipped into her Flight Armor and she was hot on his heels. The chase was on, with Zuri darting around corners and leaping over furniture, desperately trying to evade his playful wife. Erza's laughter echoed through the house as she swung the belt, teasingly grazing Zuri's back. The two sped through the house at supersonic speeds, though Erza was getting closer and closer to her husband. Despite trying to evade his wife, Zuri was actually having fun on the inside.

Finally, after a thrilling pursuit, Erza managed to corner Zuri in the living room. She smirked triumphantly, her eyes gleaming with mischief. Zuri, panting heavily, surrendered to his wife's playful antics.

Erza wrapped her arms around Zuri, pulling him into a tight embrace and narrowed her eyes at him. "You thought you could escape, didn't you?" she teased, her voice filled with laughter.

Zuri giggled, his heart filled with love for his fiery wife. "I should have known better," he admitted, his eyes twinkling with affection. "But it was worth it, just to see that beautiful smile of yours."

Erza's laughter filled the room once again as she playfully swatted Zuri with the belt. "You're lucky I love you," she said, her voice filled with warmth. 

And so, in the land of Fiore, Erza Scarlet and her husband Zuri Scarlet continued to live a life filled with love, laughter, and the occasional broken bed. Their playful antics and unwavering bond were a testament to the power of love and the joy that can be found in even the most unexpected moments.

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