AU: Battle For The Last Slice Of Cake

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Once upon a time, in the grand mansion of Erza Scarlet and her husband Zuri Scarlet, a battle was about to unfold. It was a battle for the last slice of cake, a delectable treat that had been baked by Erza herself. Little did they know, this seemingly innocent dessert would ignite a hilarious and competitive showdown between the couple.

Erza, known for her fierce determination and unwavering spirit, had just finished preparing a mouthwatering strawberry cake. The aroma filled the entire mansion, tempting Zuri's senses as he entered the kitchen. His eyes widened with delight as he caught sight of the cake sitting on the counter, waiting to be devoured.

"Erza, my love, this cake looks absolutely divine!" Zuri exclaimed, his mouth watering at the sight of the strawberry goodness.

Erza smiled mischievously, knowing that this cake would be the catalyst for a playful competition between them. "Indeed, Zuri. But the question is, who will get the honor of enjoying the last slice?"

Zuri's eyes sparkled with excitement as he accepted the challenge. "Let the battle begin, my dear!"

And so, the battle for the last slice of cake commenced. Erza and Zuri, armed with forks and determination, sat at the dining table, ready to claim victory. They stared at each other while grinning, their competitive spirits fueling their desire to win.

With a swift movement, Erza lunged forward, attempting to snatch the slice before Zuri could react. But Zuri, quick on his feet, laughed and dodged her attack and retaliated with a playful flick of his fork. Erza giggled, her laughter filling the room as she deflected his move with ease.

The battle continued, each of them showcasing their agility and wit. Erza twirled around the table, her red hair flowing behind her, while Zuri showcased his acrobatic skills, leaping over chairs and tables. The mansion echoed with their laughter and the clinking of forks as they engaged in a playful dance for the last slice of cake.

As the battle raged on, the mansion's staff watched in amusement, unable to resist the infectious joy that Erza and Zuri exuded. They cheered for their favorite, placing bets on who would emerge victorious.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Erza managed to outmaneuver Zuri, snatching the last slice of cake triumphantly. She raised it high above her head, a victorious smile gracing her face.

"Victory is mine!" Erza declared, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

Zuri snapped his fingers, although he couldn't help but laugh at his wife's victory. "Well done, my love. You have proven once again that you are the queen of cake battles."

Erza's laughter filled the room as she shared the last slice of cake with Zuri. They sat together, enjoying the sweet treat and relishing in the joy of their playful competition.

In the end, it wasn't about who won or lost, but the memories they created together. The battle for the last slice of cake became a cherished moment, a testament to their love and the joy they found in each other's company.

And so, Erza Scarlet and her husband Zuri continued to live their lives filled with laughter, love, and the occasional battle for the last slice of cake.

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