AU: Father and Daughter Tea Party

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Chapter 1: Father and Daughter Tea Party

Erza Scarlet, the renowned S-Class mage of Fairy Tail, and her Saiyan husband, Son Zuri, lived a peaceful life in their cozy house on the outskirts of Magnolia. Their love had blossomed amidst countless adventures, and now they were blessed with two beautiful daughters, Aria and Luna.

One sunny afternoon, Erza and Aria left for a guild meeting, leaving Zuri alone with Luna. As Zuri wandered through the house, he heard giggles coming from Luna's room. Curiosity piqued, he pushed open the door and found Luna sitting on a small table, surrounded by her stuffed animals, all arranged for a tea party.

A smile tugged at Zuri's lips as he watched his youngest daughter, her eyes sparkling with joy. "Is there room for one more?" he asked, his voice filled with warmth.

Luna's face lit up, and she nodded eagerly. "Of course, Daddy! Please join us!"

Zuri lowered himself onto a tiny chair, careful not to crush any of the stuffed animals. Luna poured imaginary tea into a tiny cup and handed it to her father. Zuri pretended to sip it, making exaggerated slurping noises that sent Luna into fits of laughter.

As they continued their tea party, Zuri couldn't help but marvel at the innocence and happiness radiating from Luna. She reminded him so much of her mother, Erza, with her fiery spirit and determination. Zuri cherished these moments, knowing that they were fleeting and that Luna would grow up all too soon.

Meanwhile, Erza and Aria returned home, their footsteps echoing through the hallway. As they approached Luna's room, they heard laughter and the sound of Zuri's voice. Curiosity piqued, Erza pushed open the door and froze at the sight before her.

There, in the midst of a whimsical tea party, sat Zuri and Luna, their faces beaming with joy. Erza's heart swelled with love and adoration for her family. She exchanged a knowing smile with Aria, who stood beside her, equally captivated by the scene.

Erza walked over and knelt beside Luna, wrapping her arms around her daughter. "Having fun, my little princess?"

Luna nodded vigorously, her eyes shining with excitement. "Yes, Mommy! Daddy joined my tea party!"

Erza glanced at Zuri, her eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Zuri. You always know how to make our little Luna happy."

Zuri smiled, his eyes filled with love for his wife and daughter. "It's my pleasure, Erza. Luna brings so much joy into our lives."

As the family sat together, basking in the warmth of their love, Erza couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. She had found her true happiness in Fairy Tail, but it was moments like these, simple and pure, that made her heart overflow with love.

And so, in the Scarlet family's humble home, the bond between father and daughter grew stronger with each passing day. Their tea parties became a cherished tradition, a reminder of the love that bound them together. In the midst of their magical adventures, they always found solace in the simple joys of family.

Little did they know that their love would continue to blossom, weaving a tale of romance and devotion that would forever be etched in the annals of Fairy Tail.

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