AU: A Love Stronger Than Steel 2

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Once upon a time in the magical land of Fiore, there lived a family known as the Scarlet Family. Erza Scarlet, the renowned S-Class mage of Fairy Tail, had found her true love in Zuri, a powerful wizard with the ability to transform into Classic Sonic and even Super Sonic. Together, they had two beautiful daughters, Aria and Luna.

On a peaceful day in Magnolia, the guild members of Fairy Tail were enjoying their usual antics when suddenly, loud noises and screams echoed through the town. They rushed outside to witness a massive robot titan wreaking havoc on the streets. The guild members tried their best to fight it, but the titan proved to be too powerful for them.

Just as hope seemed lost, Zuri's determination to protect his guild and family ignited within him. He transformed into his Classic Sonic form, his blue fur shimmering in the sunlight. With a burst of energy, he transformed into Super Sonic, ready to take on the titan.

Fairy Tail and the townspeople watched in awe as Zuri engaged the titan in a fierce battle. Aria and Luna, filled with excitement and pride, cheered for their father, shouting, "Get him, Daddy!" Erza, her eyes shining with love, encouraged him, "You can do it, my love!"

Zuri utilized his incredible speed and strength, landing devastating blows on the titan. The desperate titan attempted to strike back, but Zuri effortlessly caught its fist. He continued his onslaught, causing the titan to stumble. With a powerful spin attack, he struck its shoulder, weakening it further.

Flying towards the titan, Zuri delivered a mighty punch to its jaw, sending it crashing to the ground. The titan, humbled by Zuri's strength, knelt before him, acknowledging his power. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, amazed by Zuri's victory. Aria and Luna were in complete awe, witnessing their father not only defeat the titan but also earn its respect.

As Zuri landed in front of his family, he returned to his base form, his chest heaving with exhaustion. Master Makarov, impressed by his display of strength, patted him on the back and congratulated him. Natsu and Gray, always eager for a challenge, started arguing over who would fight Zuri next. Elfman, admiring Zuri's manliness, exclaimed, "Getting a robot titan to bow down to you! That's what I call manly!"

Returning to his human form, Zuri was immediately greeted by his daughters, who were fangirling over his heroic feat. He laughed and embraced them tightly, feeling their love and admiration. Erza, her eyes brimming with pride and joy, ran up to him and hugged him tightly, expressing how proud she was of him.

Wiping away her tears, Erza smirked mischievously at Zuri and whispered, "I have a reward waiting for you once we get home." Zuri's eyes widened in excitement, his heart racing at the thought of what awaited him.

Later, in the comfort of their home, Erza requipped into her Seduction Armor, a glint of mischief in her eyes. She playfully tackled Zuri onto the bed, pinning him down, and whispered seductively, "Prepare yourself, my brave hero, because it's time for your reward~."

Zuri nodded eagerly, his excitement evident on his face. Erza laughed, captivated by his enthusiasm, before capturing his lips in a deep and passionate kiss.

Meanwhile, Aria and Luna, still buzzing with excitement from their father's victory, began drawing pictures of their own version of the battle. They depicted themselves and their parents, Erza in her Armadura Armor, Zuri in his Classic Super Sonic form, Aria in her Flame Empress Armor, and Luna in her Black Wing Armor, battling the titan together as a family.

As the Scarlet Family basked in their love and triumph, their bond grew stronger than ever. They were a force to be reckoned with, not only in battle but also in their unwavering love for one another. And so, their story continued, filled with adventures, laughter, and a love that was truly stronger than steel.

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