AU: Erza and Zuri vs Midnight

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Chapter 1: The Return of Macbeth

Erza Scarlet, the renowned S-Class mage of Fairy Tail, sat at the guild hall, sipping her tea. It had been a peaceful few months since the defeat of the dark guild Oración Seis, and Erza had been enjoying some well-deserved rest. However, her tranquility was shattered when she overheard a conversation between two guild members.

"Did you hear? Midnight is back!" one of them exclaimed.

Erza's heart skipped a beat. Midnight, a former member of the Oración Seis, was a powerful mage with a dark past. He had been defeated once before, but Erza knew that she was not one to be taken lightly. Determined to protect her guild, Erza immediately stood up and made her way to the guild master's office.

Inside the office, Erza found her husband, Zuri Scarlet, a skilled mage with the power of Elemental Magic. Zuri was a calm and collected man, always ready to support Erza in her battles. When Erza informed him about Midnight's return, Zuri's eyes narrowed with determination.

"We cannot let him cause any more harm," Zuri said, his voice filled with resolve. "Let's go on a mission to defeat him once and for all."

Erza nodded, her fiery red hair swaying with the movement. "Let's do this." She said. Together, they would face any challenge that came their way.

Chapter 2: The S-Class Mage Couple

Erza and Zuri prepared for their mission, gathering their weapons and supplies. As an S-Class mage, Erza possessed incredible strength and skill in combat. She wore her signature armor, adorned with various weapons, ready to unleash her full power. Zuri, on the other hand, had a calm and composed demeanor. His Elemental Magic allowed him to control the elements, making him a formidable opponent.

The couple set off towards the location where Midnight was rumored to be hiding. Along the way, they encountered various obstacles, but their determination never wavered. They fought off monsters, solved puzzles, and overcame traps, showcasing their incredible teamwork.

Chapter 3: Erza and Zuri vs. Midnight

Finally, Erza and Zuri reached their destination, a dark and eerie cave. The air was thick with magic, and they could sense Midnight's presence. As they ventured deeper into the cave, they were met with Midnight's minions, but Erza and Zuri dispatched them with ease.

At last, they reached the heart of the cave, where Midnight awaited them. He stood tall, his dark aura enveloping his like a cloak. Midnight smirked, his eyes filled with malice.

"I've been waiting for you, Erza Scarlet," Midnight sneered. "And who is this? Your husband? How sweet."

Erza's grip on her sword tightened, her determination burning brighter than ever.

"This ends here, and this ends now." She said.

Zuri stepped forward, his eyes locked on Midnight.

"We won't let you harm anyone else," Zuri declared, his voice steady.

The battle began, Erza and Zuri unleashing their magic with precision and power. Erza's sword clashed against Midnight's dark magic, while Zuri manipulated the elements to counter his attacks. The cave trembled with their fierce battle, but Erza and Zuri fought on, their love and determination fueling their strength.

Chapter 4: The Triumph of Love and Magic

As the battle raged on, Erza and Zuri's teamwork and unwavering bond proved to be their greatest weapon. Midnight's attacks grew weaker, and his confidence wavered. He had underestimated the power of love and unity.

With one final strike, Erza and Zuri combined their magic, overwhelming Midnight. The dark mage fell to the ground, defeated and humiliated. Erza and Zuri stood victorious, their hearts filled with triumph.

As they made their way back to Fairy Tail, Erza and Zuri were greeted with cheers and applause. The guild members celebrated their victory, recognizing their strength and unwavering love for each other.

From that day forward, Erza and Zuri continued their journey as the S-Class Mage Couple of Fairy Tail. Their story inspired many, reminding them of the power of love, unity, and the indomitable spirit of Fairy Tail.

And so, Erza Scarlet and her husband, Zuri Scarlet, continued their adventures, facing new challenges together, and protecting their guild with unwavering resolve.

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