AU: The Cake Thief Strikes Again

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Chapter 1: The Cake Thief Strikes Again

Erza Scarlet, a renowned member of the Fairy Tail guild, had finally settled down with her Saiyan husband, Son Zuri. Their house was a cozy haven, filled with love and laughter. However, there was one thing that Erza held dear to her heart - her strawberry cake.

It was a Saturday evening, and Erza had just finished a long day of missions. Exhausted, she decided to take a relaxing shower to wash away the weariness. Little did she know, her mischievous husband had other plans.

As Erza enjoyed the warm water cascading down her body, Zuri quietly tiptoed into the kitchen. His eyes gleamed mischievously as he laid his gaze upon the delectable strawberry cake sitting on the countertop. Unable to resist its temptation, he carefully sliced a piece and quickly made his way back to their room.

Just as Erza stepped out of the shower, her senses heightened, and she caught a whiff of something amiss. She followed the scent, her nose leading her to the kitchen. Her eyes widened in disbelief as she saw a slice missing from her beloved cake.

A mischievous smile crept upon her lips as she realized who the culprit must be. Summoning her sword, she made her way to their bedroom, her steps filled with determination. Erza burst into the room, her fiery gaze fixed upon Zuri.

Zuri, caught off guard, tried to hide the evidence, but his nervous demeanor gave him away. He stammered, "I swear, Erza, it magically disappeared on its own!"

Erza, knowing her husband all too well, decided to play along. She raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips. "Oh, really? Magic, you say? Well, then, let's see if your magic can withstand my interrogation."

Zuri's eyes widened, realizing he couldn't keep up the charade any longer. He sighed, defeated, and confessed, "Alright, alright! I couldn't resist the temptation. I took a slice of your cake, Erza."

Erza's fury ignited like a raging inferno. She clenched her fists, her voice filled with anger as she shouted, "LIAR!" Without a moment's hesitation, she pounced on Zuri, slapping him.

Zuri winced, knowing that his punishment would not be easy this time. Erza's punishments were legendary within the guild, and he had experienced their intensity firsthand. However, he couldn't help but giggle at the situation, knowing that his wife's love for her cake was unmatched.

Chapter 2: A Punishment Fit for a Cake Thief

Erza's anger subsided, replaced by a mischievous glint in her eyes. She smirked, her voice dripping with amusement. "Well, well, well, Zuri. It seems you've gotten yourself into quite a predicament. Taking a slice of my cake without permission? That calls for a punishment."

Zuri gulped, his Saiyan instincts telling him to brace himself for what was to come. He knew that Erza's punishments were never easy, but he also knew that they were always filled with love and laughter.

Erza's mind raced with ideas for Zuri's punishment. She wanted to make it memorable, something that would teach him a lesson while also bringing them closer together. Suddenly, an idea struck her like a bolt of lightning.

"Zuri, my dear husband," Erza began, her voice filled with a mischievous tone. "Your punishment will be to bake me a strawberry cake from scratch. And not just any cake, mind you. It must be the most delicious cake I have ever tasted."

Zuri's eyes widened in surprise. He had never baked a cake before, let alone a strawberry cake. However, he knew that he couldn't refuse Erza's request. With a nod, he accepted his fate.

The next day, Zuri embarked on his baking adventure. Armed with a recipe book and a blue gi reminiscent of his Saiyan heritage, he set out to create the perfect strawberry cake for his beloved wife.

As Zuri mixed the ingredients, his mind wandered back to the first time he had tasted Erza's strawberry cake. It was love at first bite, and he knew that he had to do everything in his power to recreate that magical experience.

Hours passed, and the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked cake filled the house. Zuri carefully took the cake out of the oven, a sense of accomplishment washing over him. The cake looked perfect, its golden crust glistening under the soft glow of the kitchen lights.

Erza, unable to contain her curiosity, entered the kitchen. Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw the masterpiece before her. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she realized the effort Zuri had put into his punishment.

She took a bite of the cake, her taste buds exploding with delight. It was even better than she had imagined. Erza looked at Zuri, her eyes filled with love and admiration. "You did it, Zuri. This cake is absolutely amazing."

Zuri beamed with pride, knowing that he had not only completed his punishment but also managed to bring joy to his wife's heart. As they sat together, enjoying the delicious cake, laughter filled the air, and their love for each other grew stronger.

And so, the strawberry cake thief had been caught, and a punishment turned into a sweet moment of love and laughter. Erza and Zuri's bond grew stronger with each passing day, their adventures in the Fairy Tail guild now accompanied by the sweet taste of strawberry cake.

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