Lucy Bronze x Reader (35) & Alexia Putellas x Character (6)

Start from the beginning

Alexia shrugged. "Midnight maybe."

She had that determined look in her eye but Lucy could also see a little excitement there.

"Are you driving?"

"I'll Uber." Lucy didn't like the thought that it allowed her to drink but she knew Alexia better than that. She wouldn't drink before a game day.

"I'll pick you up. I need to leave for the airport at 9:30pm though but you'll only have to Uber one way."

Alexia nodded.

"You two are going out?" Ona said, joining their little group huddled around the esky. Alexia always had people huddling around her, Lucy noticed.

Lucy found a soccer ball and sat down, looking at Alexia to answer.

"Si, but not for long." She replied in Spanish.

Lucy scoffed. Five hours was definitely long enough.

"Lucia's girlfriend in flying in tonight," Asisat Oshoala teased. She was always being cheeky, especially with Lucy. They bantered well. Lucy looked at Ona for a reaction and she wasn't surprised at her trying to hold her emotions together. She did quite well, to be fair.

"But isn't it ah...storm tonight?"

Lucy sat up straighter. "What?"

"Oh, yah you're right. Big storm tonight! Flights being cancelled already." Oshoala shrugged.

"Already? It's 5pm!" Lucy groaned and looked around for her phone. Alexia was quicker and knelt down next to Lucy, showing her the news report. The gesture wasn't lost on Lucy. A week ago, Alexia wouldn't have been this publicly empathetic towards her.

Lucy looked at the report. It was expecting most passenger liners to be cancelled, and the worst of the storm was hitting around the time that YFN was due.

"Fuck!" She swore between gritted teeth. Alexia rubbed her back. Again, an unusual new development in their friendship. She was pissed, YFN didn't have much time off. She'd told Lucy the day before that she needed to be back for the games on Sunday, one of which was now starting earlier as she'd made a promise to Kyra.

She internally groaned at that. Her mind asked 'Why does she have to be such a good person..." and then her mind also answered the question before she'd finished asking it 'because it's YFN and this is why we love her.'

The more Lucy read, the more upset she got. She gave Alexia her phone back and put her head in her hands.

"Is it that bad?" Kiera asked.

Lucy nodded into her hands and Oshoala answered. "Very bad weather. Very bad."

Jonatan called an end to practise entirely then and Oshoala patted Lucy on the back as she walked towards the changing rooms. A few others followed suit until it was just Lucy. Or so she thought. She lifted her head, and wiped away the tears she'd been hiding. She jumped when she saw Alexia still sitting there.

"Sorry," she gave a little smile. "Are you okay? We don't have to go tonight."

"No, we'll go. It'll be a good distraction, but I might be on my phone a little more to talk to YFN and check flights."

"That's okay. I'm happy you come with me."

Lucy smiled at that mistake. "Let's hope one of us gets the girl tonight, hey?"

Alexia had struggled to decide what to wear, eventually deciding casual was best. It was just a bar, after all. She was in dark jeans, white Nike's, a white crop top exposing her midriff and a black leather jacket. She couldn't even decide what she wanted to do with her hair and ended up with it down, however putting hair ties around her wrist in case she changed her mind.

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