Chapter 25: Carnage V.S Sinister Six

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3rd POV:

Next Morning Later.

(Y/N): "Hmmmm...." He was groaning and make him was opened his eyes out and he was turn his head to look around and he was in the bedroom from the building but then he didn't notice that Aphrodite and Athena in the bed with him because the two of them heading back to the Olympus by themselves. Then (Y/N) was groaning little bit and make him was yawn out little bit and he start to tries to get up but he can't...and he felt there was someone else laying on top of him and he was turn his head to look down at the person who was laying on top of him and that is....Ryuko.

(Y/N): "*Ryuko....*" He thought himself and make him was looking at the cute face of young punk girl who was definitely cute and yes...she is cute as well and then (Y/N) seen this and make him want to give her a hug.

Senketsu: "Give her a hug." He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Hmm?" He was heard Senketsu told him to give Ryuko a hug right now and then he know her need to be hug and (Y/N) was doing the same thing too and then (Y/N) hug her tight and he put his head on her forehead and kisses her in the forehead. After few seconds later and Ryuko who was woke up and make her saw (Y/N) look down at her and this cause the Tsundere young punk girl was surprise and blushes on her face and she seen (Y/N) who giving her a smile.

(Y/N): "Morning, Ryuko? How's your sleep?" He asked her.

Ryuko: "I-I-It's fine!" She said to (Y/N) and she was slowly got up from the bed and make her was turn her head away from (Y/N)'s look.

Ryuko: "Anyway....H-H-How about you?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Well, it is fine...and I felt much better when I was the way it seems you were sneaking here by yourself, huh?~" He asked her and make her was blushing up and then she punches him in the chest and shoulder and she said.

Ryuko: "SHUT UP!!!!!! YOU'RE JUST MAKING ME NERVOUS!" She said to (Y/N).

Ryuko: "SHUT UP!!!!!! YOU'RE JUST MAKING ME NERVOUS!" She said to (Y/N)

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(Y/N): "'re cute when you are blush like that." He said to her.

Ryuko: "Shut up." She said to (Y/N) and make him was chuckling to her and then he was slowly got up from the bed and stretching his own bones and hands with legs too that he felt tired all over his body when he use his power of Carnage....the demonic version inside at him.

Ryuko: "I'm going to cook the breakfast by the going to take a smell like shit." She said to (Y/N) and make him was smell himself and he sigh out little bit and he said.

(Y/N): "Right, I'm going to the bathroom by the way....can you wake Aqua and Ruby up?" He asked her and make her nod her head and then (Y/N) was heading to the bathroom right away and he was take a shower by himself. After he was done with the showering and make him was wearing black hoodie jacket, white long sleeve shirt, light green with belt cargo pant, sock, and black leather sneakers on too.

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