Chapter 18: Fight Club

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3rd POV:

In Honnouji Academy.

When (Y/N) was with Ryuko, and Mako are in the cafeteria by themselves and they were eating their own foods by themselves and then Ryuko who was sat beside with (Y/N) cause she is fallen love with him because he is kind of protector to her and he know how he was gonna doing his own right and protecting those innocents and also killing some bad guys around here in this world. Yes, they both seeing him was the monster and terrifying demonic who was destroying many enemies who were stood on his ways and they don't stand a chance against at him.

(Y/N): "This seems to be nice." He said to her.

Ryuko: "Yes, it was...and yeah maybe I can cook for you, Aqua, and Ruby." She said to (Y/N) and make him was surprise to heard what she say and this make him turn to look at her who was blushing up little bit and she just nervous and also blush about what she want to cook the foods for (Y/N) and his two children.

Mako: "*She seems to be loving with him? Wait, am I have a feeling towards to him too? Why am I jealous?!*" She thought herself and make her was put her hands on her face to covering it and she doesn't like to know about it. Then the three of them were eating the foods right away and until out of nowhere a knife was thrown it to Ryuko's lunch, and (Y/N)'s lunch.

Ryuko: "Okay, who the fuck just threw that?!?" She asked out loud and then out of nowhere a figure appeared by himself and that he has a black hair and brown eyes and he got a knife with him.

???: "It was I! Jack Naito! President of the Knife Throwing Club!!!!!!! I'll be the one who will take you down!!!!!!" He said out and Ryuko who was going to attack but (Y/N) use his tendrils come out of his back and wrapped around Jack's body and slammed him to the wall of the building and beating the shit out of him like he tries to be brave himself. After he beat the shit out of Jack and he throw Jack to the wall and knock his ass down on the ground.

Ryuko: "Thanks for kick that guy's ass!" She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Of course it is...that prick got what his coming." He said to her and make her was smile at (Y/N) and Jack was lying down on the ground and he is naked also defeated as well. Then the two of them are going to kiss but until another appearance of person came here and interrupted their kisses moment.

???: "Impressive! You've got some skill! Now, I Nannjing Lily Club! President, Kagesaburo Kagero shall cha-Huh?!?" He tries to said and then (Y/N) was transform into his own Carnage form and make him dash toward to the prick and grab his neck and he said.

???: "Impressive! You've got some skill! Now, I Nannjing Lily Club! President, Kagesaburo Kagero shall cha-Huh?!?" He tries to said and then (Y/N) was transform into his own Carnage form and make him dash toward to the prick and grab his neck and ...

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(Y/N)/Carnage: "You talk too much." He said to him and make him was opened his mouth out and he was bite down at the dude's head off right away and then (Y/N) with Ryuko notice there were three more club captains to be appeared here and challenge at him and her. The two of them beating the shit out of those challengers by themselves and killed them or maybe hurt them like a lot as well and then Ryuko was sigh out when she transform back to her original form.

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