« Lɪɴɢᴇʀɪɴɢ Tᴏʀᴍᴇɴᴛ » (Tenshi)

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I didn't wait. I didn't tell. I didn't mention anyone let alone another word. I left. Left Bakugou sitting in the room with the same question...

"Why did you leave-?"

I couldn't answer. I couldn't even figure out what was going on. I leave for obvious reasons and yet here I am, dealing with people who don't even know the other half.

The other half...

The clouds covered over the sky slowly, a gentle breeze picking up. My wings folded against my back as I walked on the side of the road.

I knew Aizawa wouldn't be pleased. Even if I did tell him why I was leaving, he wouldn't accept it. I knew it.

It was about ten more minutes before I arrived at the front of our house. Aizawa's house. I walk up the small steps in front before I open the door, heading straight upstairs to my room.

I hiss under my breath, slamming my fist into the door. I wince slightly but don't examine my pounding knuckle. I open my door and slam it shut with ease.

Bakugou is now probably more determined to get an answer from me. He wouldn't stop. But the good news that stuck with me was he wouldn't tell Deku.

Bakugou may be an ass. But he wouldn't expose me like that. He wasn't like that.

I collapse onto my bed, rolling over to my side with my wings practically clasping onto me.

The gloomy skylight peeked into my room.

My family couldn't even see me here. Now. Becoming a hero has always been my dream. But now I couldn't even tell if it was because of me wanting to help people....or help myself.

I tense with just the thought.

My parents were on the floor dead. I didn't even understand what the point was. Why did villains find the need to kill the innocent? They weren't even heroes. They were just normal people.

And Hawks. I didn't know how I felt about him. Takes me in as his but doesn't even end up coming to check on me sense the tragedy. I didn't need it, but it was the thought that counted.

I feel a warm tear trail down my cheek as I lay there still. My wings clenched around my body as if it was my only way of comfort. It probably was.


An hour passes by with me just lying still in bed. Thoughts lingering in my head.

Sudden footsteps hinder in the hallway. I clench my hands as I hear my door slam open. It was no surprise it was Aizawa.

"Get up-"

I keep my gaze away, letting his words go in one ear and out the other.

A rough cloth-like substance wraps around my leg. My eyes widen as I quickly attempt to sit up, but am yanked onto the floor. I wince, falling off the bed onto my back.

I look up, beady red eyes glowing down at me. Standing out in the dark gloomy room of mine.

"I said- Get. Up." He says coldly.

He turns away, my eyes following him. He yanks out a familiar piece of clothing from my closet and tosses it at me.

"Get dressed-"

Before I could argue, he left, slamming my door.

I let out an annoyed sigh as I pushed myself up...peering down at the familiar clothing. It was my hero suit.

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