« Sᴛᴜʙʙᴏʀɴ Ass » (Tenshi)

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It is silent. Nothing but the sounds of our steps as we get in our assigned room. I glance towards the weapon, a huge fake missile standing put. Bakugou growls lowly, keeping his gaze away.

"Do you really think Deku has a quirk-?"

I glance towards him, tensing. I didn't know how much I believed it. I haven't seen him or his quirk. None of my classmates for that matter.

"I-i don't know-"

Bakugou clenches his fists. I continue, my voice stern as I look towards him.

"But either way...you need to stop with this whole competition with him. Just drop it-"

Bakugou shows pure anger and a wide smile as he turns towards me.

"Shut up birdbrain-Im dealing with Deku, stay up here-!"

My expression shows annoyance. Before I can speak, a loud booming voice of All Might speaks.

"All right! Let's begin the indoor combat training! Team A and Team D, your time starts now!"

Bakugou quickly begins towards the door. I scowl.

"We need to work together dumbass! What the fuck are you going to do when you get down there-?!"

Bakugou furiously turns towards me yelling, "SHUT UP BIRDBRAIN AND WATCH THE STUPID WEAPON-!"

With that he was gone before I can let out another reply. I sneer as I expand my wings in annoyance. Stupid idiot! He's so damn focused on Deku-! I quickly shove those thoughts aside as my eyes turn towards the doorway again.

Bakugou is most likely going to keep Deku distracted. So this means Uraraka is the one to most likely come up here...if she can make it. I clench my fists, glancing around. There's nothing she can float but the missile or me...but let's be honest, she won't get there in time.

The ground shakes suddenly, loud explosions being heard down stairs. Bakugou. I growl lowly quickly turning on my ear peice.

"Bakugou, what is going on?!"

The sudden angry voice of Bakugou sounds back through the earpiece.

"Just shut up and defend the weapon. I've got more important things to worry about-!"

I scowl back, "What the fuck you talking about?! Have you forgot what the mission is?! It's for sure not fighting Deku-!"

Silence. I smash my fist into the wall with pure annoyance. Of course the fucking idiot hung up on me. So much for partner-shoudve known I would have to take things in my own hand.

I head towards the doorway. It is risky. I begin running down the hall, and quickly down the stairs. The explosions get louder. Sudden voices.

"Ochaco MOVE!"

Sounds of Deku. I tense. Uraraka was on her way. I quickly bust open the door, my gaze landing on Uraraka.

"Ballsy move. Think you can take me alone?" Bakugou yells, sending a kick towards Deku.

Another explosion echoes through the room. A huge smirk spreads across my face as my eyes meet Uraraka. My turn. I quickly launch myself at her with a kick. She falls back dodging.

"Get back here Deku!" Bakugou yells.

Deku was running. He either had a plan or he was actually not ready to face Bakugou head on. I quickly lash another kick towards Uraraka, pushing her back.

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