« Cʟᴀss 1A ᴏʀ Cʟᴀss ᴏғ Iᴅɪᴏᴛs » (Tenshi)

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The sun shone brightly, brightening the small car. My eyes gaze out the window, nothing but silence. Aizawa sat up front, driving the vehicle to the stupid school...UA.

I let out a rough sigh, turning away from the window. Aizawa peeks through the rearview mirror, an unamused expression looking at me.

"What is it now-?" He mumbles.

I narrow my eyes in pure annoyance.

"This is idiotic. First, you wake me up early as hell, and now you're expecting me to be 'decent' with these idiots of Class 1A-"

Aizawa rolls his eyes, turning his gaze back to the road.

"I'm just saying don't cause crap. There are certain students I know you might have it out for after you meet them-"

I raise a brow crossing my arms.

"What's that supposed to mean-? You make it sound like I'm the person starting crap with people-" I sneer.

Aizawa shrugs.

"I could argue you do-but either way..."

I roll my eyes, peering out the window again. To have to hang out with his boring ass every day was tiring. All he does is complain and complain some more. I always wonder why I couldn't get someone like All Might to be my guardian for crying out loud.

How Aizawa had made it sound, it sounded as if today was either going to be great or terrible. And I couldn't help but feel like it was going to be interesting nonetheless...


I lean against the wall, students bickering from within the classroom. Aizawa gives me a stern look before walking in, the class silencing immediately. I glance at him from inside the hall.

Aizawa clears his throat before speaking tiredly.

"Good morning class, I have some news before we get started today. We have a new student-"

Some students begin to whisper amongst themselves, curiosity spreading around the room quickly. He continues-

"Come on in Takami-"

Students widen their eyes in slight surprise. They are familiar with the last name 'Takami'. Damn it.

I narrow my eyes at Aizawa as I walk in, my wings fold flatly against my back. I don't know how many times I've told him to call my Tenshi-still ignores me. I feel classmates eye me as I walk to the front of the room, turning suddenly towards them.

"Hello-Im Tenshi Takami...but please, just call me Tenshi..." I say, a hint of annoyance in my voice.

Aizawa clears his throat, signaling me to continue. I glance over my shoulder and roll my eyes as I turn my gaze back to my classmates.

"My quirk is anything physic-ish..."

My eyes land on a familiar face up front staring up at me. Deku. He smiles brightly up at me. Why the hell is he here? Isn't he quirkless? I turn my gaze towards the rest of the classroom, pushing the thought aside.

Suddenly a voice is heard from the side of the room.

"Tsch-just another extra..."

My eyes dart quickly, landing on a familiar face, Bakugou. He has his feet propped up on his desk as he glares coldly at me. I glare right back.

"Yah ok-bet I could fight you in a head-on battle and win..."

Bakugou snarls, quickly getting on his feet. I smirk as he walks up to me with pure anger written all over his face.

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