when she smile she reminded me of my mother, who was so naive and innocent, she sees the good in everything and everybody. I felt attached. I couldn't help but feel happy knowing she would be my wife when we grow up.

Clearly it was for my best interest.

I wanted to be her friend so bad, I needed her to be my only friend, I wanted her to have only me as a friend. I literally don't care what others thinks about me, but i cared about what Hannah thinks about me. I wanted to be good real bad to her, only her.

"What your name doll?" I asked her while slightly bending down to reach her height.

"Hannah." she looked up into my eyes and smiled brightly with dimples and all.

Her name suited her because she was happy and kind. I liked her a lot, more than I've ever liked someone , not that I've ever liked anyone but still.

She mine. Only mine.

I wonder how long those two would pull this off, I decided to not text but call instead, i know Malik was sneaky but i underestimated his capabilities, the person on the other side spoke.

"mister Riccardo"

"Malik." I say picking up my knife from the table drawer, and start cleaning the dust from it, seemed like it will come in handy soon.

"Mister Riccardo what do I owe this call.? You've never call before." I can sense the fear in his voice.


"Honestly speaking, you're not worth me speaking with Malik. You know that don't you.?" I say, running my fingers down the knife.

"Yes mister Riccardo. I am fully aware of that."

"The business. Don't let me down." This knife is not sharp enough, I threw my head back in frustration.

Malik doesn't know that I'm aware that he steals my drugs and money. I'm so going to deal with this man.

" I won't. And I will never mister Riccardo. You can trust me son" I could sense all the fear in him through his words.


"You know I don't like when things don't go my way." I said matter of a fact. I could hear his heavily breathing. He could sense the hidden meaning to that.

I don't want to be too hasty in killing him I still need to get what's rightfully belongs to Hannah.

the properties the businesses own by Malik are all Hannah's, before Hannah's grandfather's death he willed all his assets to his granddaughter, but since Hannah wasn't eighteen yet her father Malik took them all.

And I need to get them back from him.

"Let's forget about that sha we." I move my eyes from the knife in my hand. "Where's my wife? Malik."

"Uhm mister Riccardo, she's on vacation, we told you." He responded too quickly His voice shivering, big pussy.

"I want to see her once she's back then." I move my eyes back to the knife.

"Why now.?" He said lowly, I'm not sure he was suppose to say that out loud.

"Good day Malik. Say hi to mrs malik for me." I ended the call.

"Come to my office." I said through the house phone, in a matter of one minute Liam was standing in front of me with his head held high.

Rule number one never show weakness, I know he was scared because he was in deep trouble.

"What happened? Where the fuck were you when she left the house.?" I said calmly, I was extremely angry at him but he was still my only familiar since grandpa died, he wasn't my blood, but he was my "brother"

"I was at Malik's house capo, watching over the house, she usually don't come out and it was one in the morning, I fell asleep capo." He rushed out " I'm sorry."

Shit. Now they where all clicking in my head, they don't let her out the house, and here I thought she doesn't like leaving the house.

"For fuck sake Liam. If I wasn't there on time, you know what would have happened don't you?, you know how bad that fucked me up?"

"I'm really sorry Ralph, so sorry brother." He knew he'd done wrong and accept his mistake. Thank God things didn't go as far as Aldo rapping her, because no one would have been spared not even Liam.

"Don't fuck up again Liam." I warned staring dead straight at his eyes, He sighed in relief

" I want you to position men around the household of Malik, don't kill him yet."

"I'm going to kill him myself. And I want you to deal with the boys who where present there with Aldo." He nodded to my words and left.

I left my office to Hannah's room, I shut the door, waking to the bed, Hannah was fast asleep curled in a ball, I lay beside her and huge her to myself, to sort of reduce some anger in me and fuck it worked, still tucked in the fluffy blanket, I think she loves it by how she was feeling it earlier.

They are marks on her body, I'll get the doctor to come check on her tomorrow

I never thought I'd love someone this much, especially not a cute and innocent little bunny, but she's mine and mine only, and I will fucking do anything for my wife, HANNAH.

Hannah healsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ