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"Your dress is very beautiful." I complimented Nia. The champagne-colored dress was body con and made of a silky material.

It perfectly fitted her body and shone with each move she made.

"Thank you, I chose it at the last moment. I wasn't sure I'd be here but Mr. Silas invited me to go with him." She quickly averted her eyes as she said his name.

My intuition was right. There must be something going on between them.

"How is it to work with him?" I asked and snatched another appetizer. They were really good but I couldn't wait for the dinner.

"He's... very intense. I don't know. But he's nice enough." It seems like she was shy whenever he was mentioned so I tried not to pry in their business.

"Is your dad doing better?" She took a sip of a drink that had a very beautiful rosy color.

"Kind of." Her eyes softened. "Mom is worried all the time but he's saying that now that he's sick, he finally has time to spend with her." A chuckle broke through her lips.

"She is a stay-at-home mom and dad was always away at work. I know it was hard for him but I have four more siblings and mom had a handful of work at home and couldn't travel with him whenever she wished to." My eyes widened in surprise. I didn't know she had that many siblings.

"That's so nice. It must be nice having so many siblings."

Her nose wrinkled and she waved her hand. "It might sound like that but not when all of those siblings are boys who are older than you." She ran a hand over her hair styled in thick locks.

"They are all older than me and have their own business. No one really wanted to take over Dad's work. I feel bad but I also want to do something on my own."

"What do you want to do?"

"I'm a pilates instructor. I also have a campaign for women who got out of abusive relationships and marriages. Once a week we have a free pilaster and kind of like a gathering for them. To spend some time together and have fun. So I want to expand my work." My heart melted at her words. She was truly an inspiration.

It was also visible that she was very fit.

"I tried working out on my own but I failed, maybe I'll sign up for some pilates classes. Your work is truly beautiful. Those women must be so grateful to you."

"Yeah, it's really nice to see them smile and be free after what they went through. But I want to help children who are growing up in abusive households. That's why I want to work on my plans and can't really take over my dad's business as well. Maybe one of my brothers will do it in the future."

My mind went immediately to Rome and what he had to go through. I wish there was someone like this for him as well.

"I have tried to help men as well who find themselves in these types of situations but you know how it is. It might be harder for them to talk about it. I'm working on it though. My job is to help everyone. Men, women and children." She smiled and I returned the smile as well.

"That's really nice to hear." If Rome hears about this he will be more than happy and he might even help her if she needs any extra helping hand.

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