Lucy Bronze x Reader (33)

Start from the beginning

"Yes, love, of course. Unfortunately, they're both just for Kristie though, but I think that's all we need."

She nodded, even though she knew Lucy couldn't see. "She is the instigator. Hopefully she leaves Spain now and leaves you alone..."

"I'd rather she stay in Spain than go anywhere near you," she almost growled.

YFN hummed again. "And how did your day today go?"

"Today was great! I managed to catch up on sleep. I woke up and took Narla for a walk. The beach is close so we went down to the beach in the morning and had a swim and played in the sand for a bit."

"She likes the beach?"

"Oh yeah, we're both beach babies." She said proudly. "She doesn't go in the water much but she dipped her body in a bit today. She just loves to run around mainly and dig holes. She digs the holes and I play with the sand she digs out."

She pictured their day at the beach and Lucy with her sandcastles. "Did you make your sandcastle?"

"Yeah, only a little one but. I only make the big ones when I want to impress you."

YFN chuckled at Lucy's attempt at flirting. Her voice changed when she flirted, it became cheeky and smiley. She didn't realise until now that she could tell that difference over the phone. "I expect big sandcastles from you when I get there."

"Yes, love. And we love going to the beach most mornings, if you're up for it."

"Of course I am! I miss the beaches back home. I'm sure the ones in Spain are much better than the UK ones."

"What, you don't like the rough sand, cold weather and brown water? How dare you."

"Luuuuuuce. You're killing me here."

Lucy laughed. "I don't mean to talk bad about the UK, I just want to give you some incentive to come here. It's much better."

"Luce, you're all the incentive I need. I don't care if you live in the middle on no where. I want to be where you are."

There was a happy silence then. A silence where they both appreciated each other and were comforted knowing that the other was just on the other side of that phone. When Lucy spoke next, it was husky with a little emotion. "Also the sunsets are pretty here. They're not entirely over the water, but I figured we can go down to the beach to watch them and it might remind you of home a little..."

YFN may have mentioned Western Australia and how they were lucky to have their sunsets over the water, though she'd only mentioned it once. Lucy really did listen to everything she had to say. "I can't wait, Luce. I'm also really excited to meet your friends, and to meet Narla, of course. I hope she likes me."

"She's notoriously picky, but I have no doubt she'll like you're you."

YFN bit her lip.

Lucy continued. "Actually speaking of, I need to get her a new toy for when you come. She gets excited and chews a lot with people she likes..."

"Oh, can you wait until I get there, please? I want to help."

"Okay, love."

YFN grinned. She put sat up, leaning against the headboard and put her AirPods in to talk to Lucy while she took out her laptop and started doing sneaky things. She listened to Lucy talk about training, her knee, her friends, everything. She could listen to her talk forever.

"Jonatan is starting me for the game." She said. "We've been doing some extra therapy for my knee. It feels good, it's just the way that it is at this point."

Sunsets and footballersWhere stories live. Discover now