Chapter - 13

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Karen POV

When we got back Luke forced me to rest. He tucked me in personally an kissed me before looking back wishfully and walking out the door to report to the Alpha who just got back from Britain.

When I was alone I thought back to what my father told me and made my decision.

‘You have to kill him because that is the only way you’ll be safe or else he’ll come back to kill you no matter what, he will find an opportunity. I will awaken you’re Demon powers. You have to understand however that Demon’s aren’t like the wolves around you, then know no loyalty and follow whoever is the strongest and you are the strongest. When you kill him you have the right to take over the position of king…or in your case queen. Then will seek you out but before they come to that you’ll have to go to the Demon world and hold a competition for next king if you don’t want to take over’ 

That is exactly what I was going to do, but how do I get to the Demon world.

I have no choice but to drag Luke into this.

My body was feeling heavier than normal so as soon as I closed my eyes I drifted off to sleep, peacefully.


The next day Luke argued with me for a while saying I needed my rest and things along that line but I convinced him I needed to do this before it’s to late.

He agreed when I told him if the come for me before I went to them I’d have to take over the position and I doubt they’d buy a full werewolf being their king, that’d I’d have to marry someone they picked.

He led me to a river of sorts and I looked at him dubiously before looking back to the river and back to him.

I raised my eyebrow.

“I’m telling you the truth, you have to jump in and went we swim to the bottom we’ll get to the other side” he said smiling, maybe that’s why I didn’t believe him.

“Is that so? Then why is it that humans don’t get there?” I asked.

“Don’t they?” he retorted.

I opened my mouth to speak but closed it again, I didn’t know for sure so I didn’t want to make myself sound stupid.

“Alright fine, but if you’re lying to me I’ll chop of your pee-pee” I said doing him a once over.

He started laughing “You wouldn’t because you cant stand not touching this” he said running his hand over his body “And pee-pee? Really? Is that the best you could come up with?” he asked.

I stuck my tongue out at him because I didn’t have a comeback.

He wagged his finger “What did I say about that tongue?” he said and I immediately closed my mouth…or maybe I should just kiss him…nope, demon first.

 Reached out my hand to take his and counted to three, then we both jumped in.

He pulled me along to the bottom and a few paces from where we started. I didn’t feel any changes but then he started to swim back up.

When we resurfaced I could tell we were far from the place we jump off of.

I looked around amazed as Luke watched me smirking like he wanted to say ‘told-you-so’ but held it back.

We stepped out the water and in an instant became dried.

I looked and touched at my clothes and hair.

“How?” I asked Luke, well more like screamed.

He shrugged “It’s a demon thing” he said.

It was fairly easy to set up the competition for King. We went to the castle and they seemed to have already known of the recent king’s defeat. I told them I didn’t want to be king, queen actually and they had no problem with it thankfully.

The last two were battling it out. I had my money on the dirty blonde while Luke has his on the black haired one.

To my dismay and $20 the black haired one won. Before he can rightfully take his place I had to give it to him.

He went to get ready for his coronation.

“How do I do it?” Luke praised himself.

I rolled my eyes “You’re just lucky” I said.

“It’s getting started” a man waved for me to take the stand.

I went up and began my speech that I just prepared “As you all know the recent king has died so because I don’t want to take the position we held this competition. May the winner and new king Zane Talis come up to receive his crown” I finished.

He came up grinning and got on one knee. I looked at the people gathered and placed the crown on his head before he stood up and blew kisses to the crowd.

He got to the stand and gave some pretty words before everything was dismissed.

Luke looked proud of me, heck I was proud of myself.

I began walking over to him but felt arms tug my hand back.

I whorled around to face Zane smirking “May I help you?” I asked wondering if he wanted to know anything.

“So you’re not going to be my queen?” he asked playfully pouting.

I laughed and pushed his shoulder “Sorry babe, but I’m taken” I said and to prove my point Luke came stalking over.

“What’s going on here?” he asked trying to be calm.

I knew of his jealous rages. “Nothing, bye Zane, come on Luke” I said pulling him away. Luke didn’t fight instead he turned around to glare at the new Demon king one last time.

When we got back to the other side I looked at Luke and shook my head sympathetic for myself.

“What?” he said shrugging knowing exactly why. I sighed and walked towards the pacts house as Luke ran up to catch my hand and intertwined it with his.

“So” Luke said.

“So” I repeated.

“This week was eventful” Luke commented sounding as though he was beating around the bush.

“Tell me about it” I said encouraging him to tell me what he wants.

Then silence came again.

“Luke, you know you can tell me anything” I said giving him a smile.

He stopped in mid-pace and gave me a bear hug almost squeezing the life out of me.

“You—your just so amazing and I feel so lucky to have you as a mate. Honestly sometimes I feel that I don’t deserve you” Luke said sounding sad.

I touched his face softly and looked into his eyes without falter “Don’t you think that because you are more than enough for me, you’re all I’ll ever want, ever need” I said with confidence.

Luke bent down and kissed me, I shouldn’t be shocked at the amount of love and need he put into that kiss.

“I love you” We both said at the same time.

We looked at each other for a moment before bursting into fits of laughter.

He swung his arm around my shoulder and we happily walked towards the horizon back home.


Two uploads in one day, yeah i know i'm awesome :D

Well thats the end, i hope you enjoyed.

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