Chapter - 10

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I wanted to go to Luke’s house but I haven’t been to ‘mine’ in a while. I don’t want ‘grandma’ getting suspicious because only the headmaster knows of the secret.

We reluctantly parted ways.

She wasn’t home, as I expected but I still had to make a show after all.

I cooked myself some eggs and got started on my load of homework.

Before I knew it the clock said it was 10 o’clock. Still ‘grandma’ was nowhere to be found. I closed up my books and went to put my bowl in the sink.

In a blink of an eye a dark figure glided across my window. I dropped the bowl and jumped back startled and scared.

I stood still for a moment and stupid I know but I called out “Hello?” to no one in particular.

As I expected no one answered back, it’s be freaky if someone did. Then a thought struck me, I forgot to tell Luke that I have a Demon bounty on my head.

While panicking I made my way to the phone to dial Luke.

I only got 3 numbers in before something covered my mouth and I blacked out.

Luke POV 

My heart was beating fast like it wanted to jump out of my chest. All of a sudden this suffocating feeling came over me and I stumbled a bit before regaining myself.

I’ve been feeling worried all day and I’m not sure why.

My mom saw my little episode and asked “What’s wrong sweetheart?” worriedly.

“I’m not sure” I said dazed.

She put her hand against my forehead “Well you don’t have a fever” she said.

My senses started to pick up going on high alert.


I rushed off towards her house leaving my mom with a confused expression attached to her face.

Immediately I picked up unfamiliar yet familiar scents and knocked the door down in my fit to get it but to my dismay there was nothing, I couldn’t feel her presence anywhere in the room.

The one’s who intruded on the border are the ones who took Karen.

I slammed my fist onto a nearby table and it visibly shook under the pressure if not close to breaking.

I spotted her phone on the ground and picked it up turning it on. There were 3 numbers dialed in, she was probably feeling threatened and tried to call me. I hit my fist again this time into the wall for being stupid, I should have had someone keeping a closer look on things.

I slipped her phone in my pocket and tried to communicate with her although the chances aren’t high that I’ll get through.

Karen’ I pleaded for her to respond.

Nothing. Everything was black and my own.

I hurried to the pack’s house. I needed all the help I could get.

Karen POV

I woke up in a dark room my head throbbing. I could feel that my legs and hands are bound. I could feel that I was sitting on cement and the air was cramp and damp.

Movement on the other side of the small room caused me to look up but my human eyes couldn’t see anything, how I wish I would have taken the potion.

The blinding light came on and for a moment I couldn’t see. Standing across the room was an eerily familiar looking man who was about middle aged. The feature that stood out best were his eyes, similar to mine but all so different at the same time. His were cold and malicious, it sent shivers up my spine and made me want to be in the warm embrace of Luke.

He crept closer to me but I was already against the wall so my efforts to move back were futile.

He chuckled an evil sound emitting from his cruel lips.

“Karen, how long I’ve waited to meet you but Nick just wouldn’t let me” He said in a tone of fake happiness.

“Who are you and what are you to my father?” I said coming out strong even though I was scared almost to the point of crying.

He smiled.

Then he shook his head.

“I find it quite offensive Nick never bothered to tell you about me” he said coming closer.

He crouched down on his knees to meet my eye level. I couldn’t place who this man was.

“I’m Nick’s father” he told me.

My eyes widened in shock, I became speechless.

He chuckled again.

“H-how?” I managed.

I could tell that he wasn’t a wolf, it was a feeling that I’m pretty sure about.

“How? Why not? I never meant to but that little bitch got pregnant” he said “when I raped her” he added lowly with a smile creeping up on his lips. 

This man scared me like no other.

“Is that why you bought me here? To tell me this?” I asked.

He laughed yet again “Of course not dear, I bought you here to end your life” he said like he was talking about the weather walking to the other side of the room then turning back to look at me.

I swallowed hard. In my mind chanting for Luke over and over again but to no avail.

“Why?” I asked in the silence.

“Simply because there’s a prophecy” he said in a bored tone.

“And that is?” I asked again.

He advanced closer “You will become the strongest among my race” he said his voice taken over by greed and a power hungriness I’ve never heard before.

“What are you?” I asked nervous to know.

He smiled showing four of his fangs “Demon” he laughed.

This man, a demon who was about to kill me, is my grandfather. And for what? Power.

I closed my eyes and I know it’s bad to give up before I try but in this situation I cant hope for anything.

I laughed at myself, Luke probably doesn’t even know that I’m gone right now.

He got closer and closer.

“I’ll make this as painful as I can” he said as I shuddered under his tone.

He flashed his fangs once more and bit down on my arm tearing a chunk off as I give a shrill scream, he was right, the pain was immense.

He seems to be laughing at me and my consciousness is slowly slipping away. “Luke” I whispered softly but he heard and laughed again.

I felt him tearing another chunk off of my body, someone near my stomach. I can’t anymore in an instant I was engulfed in darkness.



I'm going to make things more fast paced because i want to end soon. If theres somthing you want to see happening just tell me :D

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