Chapter - 12

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Luke POV

Tension was high in the air, almost like one could feel it.

“But why?” I swallowed hard feeling as tired as I’ve ever been.

He stood like he was bored but then again was entertaining himself “You and her-“ he said directing his eyes towards Karen who laid on the ground, this action triggered my anger again. “Well if you must know…actually I don’t want to tell you” he laughed.

I clenched my fist, my jaw and tightened every possible muscle in my body. I started growling and began shaking, the eight hands on my released because they knew I was about to shift.

Before I got the chance to the air in the room changed. My skin started to tingle a pleasant feeling, everyone looked to find the source of all the energy, the power building in the room.

The murderer even looked shocked. He like the rest of us looked at her.

“How?” I heard him mumble as his eyes went wide and he backed away ever so slightly.

Her body began regenerating itself. It was something nobody has ever seen before.

My eyes mirror his but instead of horror I was hopeful, that maybe she was coming back to me.

The last thing I saw was a blinding light before she appeared laying there in perfect condition like she just fell asleep.

I probably looked like that Cheshire cat. She was breathing, her chest was rising. I knelt down next to her and slowly moved my hand to touch her, she was warm, she had blood flowing through her. I could feel her fire in myself again.

I touched her face gently.

“Oh no you don’t!” Ryan growled.

I immediately remember the situation we were in. I looked around for him and found him on the ground with Ryan an top of him but then was thrown off and he stood up looking at Karen then at myself. I stood up using my body to shield her.

“Guard her, if anything happens it’ll be your life at stake” I told them and would stay true to my words.

Even if she was alright now I couldn’t let him go because if I did he’ll be back.

I got into a crouch and cautiously glided across the room with Ryan still in wolf form at my flank. Tim and Jake were also behind me.

I shifted and pounce on him.

He wasn’t Demon king for nothing, he was strong.

He pushed me in the chest and I flew into the air but positioned my body to land. I growled at him viciously.

‘Go in from both sides’ I commanded.

Ryan went to the left as Jake went to the right. I went in from the front baring my teeth at him, but he didn’t seem to show any sigh of fear.

Plan B’ I told them.

Ryan snapped at the Demon and he reacted but in the split second when he took his attention away from me I tore at his back ripping out a chunk but he shifted his body to avoid a fatal blow.

He screamed out in pain and his body shook but that was about all.

I spit out the disgusting taste in my mouth.

I didn’t want to waste a second so I went in again but he shoved me and Jake. Right after I saw his fist clench and he started to sweat little amounts.

He grinned but I didn’t know why, that’s when I saw that he did what Karen just did, he regenerated himself but not fully there was still blood and although he didn’t mean to show it I can tell that he’s becoming weaker.

Luke’ Even yelled out.

She was awake and sitting up. I couldn’t have been happier in my life to see she was healthy.

“Luke” she said and with that single word I could hear a million emotions.

Then she looked to the man behind me with Ryan and Jake guarding my back as I ran over to Karen.

I shifted not caring that I was naked now.

“You’re awake” I breathed.

She shed a single tear and smiled.

She stood up and walked closer to the man with me on her tail.

He honestly looked frightened, but why? Because of Karen?

There was a lot I wanted to ask her.

When she got to just next to Ryan’s front paw she stopped and looked to him smiling still but this time with hatred and…evil.

“You know-“ she started out nonchalantly “I met someone when you killed me” she said still keeping the tone.

“And who might that be?” he said trying to take on her tone of voice but failed, he was shaken but tried not to show it.

“Someone you know also, my father” she snarled the last part. Then she calmed herself “But I learned a few things from him” She said sound at ease again.

When she talked to him something about her seemed hollow and it is the scariest thing I’ve ever seen, like she wasn’t herself.

“I also learned that this power-“ She said looking at her hand in what seemed like remembrance “skips every generation, that it’s also a curse that’s bound to get stronger to whoever possess it-” She said and stopped to look at him before smiling a little before continuing “and I’m currently the strongest” she finished.

I was still unsure what she was talking about, in a normal situation I’d be able to piece something like this together but not now.

The man snorted.

At the speed of light she was out of my hold and at his neck.

He struggled but not for long “Bye” she said and snapped his neck back.

When she turned to look at me I thought she was done but her eyes flashed red and she turned back to him.

She ripped his head all the way off and set fire to his body. Even if he was decapitated he screamed as the fire started burning him.

She walked back to me her face satisfied and her eyes returned to their normal color.

Everyone just stared at her, even I.

I couldn’t process what I just saw, was that really Karen. My sweet lovely Karen just killed the Demon king.

She took notice of the look on my face and her face feel, she became sad and was scared that I’d become scared of her.

She walked over and I wrapped my hands around her and kissed her nose. She smiled when she saw that I didn’t think differently of her.



Suprise Suprise!! Wasnt expecting that was you :D

This story is almost coming to an end sadly :[

I have another one in mind already though <3

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