14- The Truth

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Nanon walked inside the company slowly with sunglasses and his head whipped if anyone recognize him

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Nanon walked inside the company slowly with sunglasses and his head whipped if anyone recognize him. This is new for him to face everything and Tay said he will arrange everything.

Suddenly a blazer drape over his head and that person hugged his shoulder. Nanon wants to scream before that person speak out.

"follow me. Let's have ice chocolate session"

Nanon just followed that person and he lead Nanon until they're reached at a place. Nanon take off the blazer on his head and he gasped seeing Dew prepared a breakfast in his office room.

"take a seat, I already prepared an ice chocolate and breakfast for you." Dew smiles towards him and Nanon just take a seat in front of him and he sipped his ice chocolate.

"you don't have to do this actually-" Nanon pouted and at the same time he felt guilty that he didn't reply any of their texts.

"its okay, I want to do this. Listen Nanon, if you care about those mouth who talk bad things about you, just ignore that. You know right we have our lawyer who will arrange for it?"

"daddy tell me about it but I want to do something to be honest. I've been fooled and been framed at the same time. I feel like I have to do something"

"what is that?" Dew squints his eyes towards him.

"I want to meet her"

█▓▒▒░░░In the Harem░░░▒▒▓█

In the Harem [All x Nanon] /Complete (on Revision) Where stories live. Discover now