7- Theory

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Nanon screamed because he can't believed he dealt with the obnoxious man ever

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Nanon screamed because he can't believed he dealt with the obnoxious man ever. He fall on the bed with his tired face afterwards.

"Phi, are you okay?" Fourth come inside after he heard Nanon's screams. Fourth not being scared at Nanon anymore because Nanon told Fourth that he shouldn't scared of him. He didn't do anything bad towards him anymore. Nanon told Fourth to call him phi because he wanna have a younger brother.

"you know Bright?" he asked and Fourth nodded. Who didn't knew that model and singer? Of course everyone knew him.

"yes, him! I want to kill him"

"ehh! He did something wrong?"

"no- he just ask me out tomorrow" he said with a pout and Fourth widened his eyes.

"you were screaming because you're happy right?"

"am I look happy now? Fuck, I thought he wanna ask Jennie out. Why me though?!"

"some people might look at heart instead of face. Maybe you had both of it, phi. That's why you attracted him just like that"

"everyone knew that I'm bad guy, Fot. It's like everyone acknowledged that I'm good for nothing and likes to bully people like you"

Fourth smiles a little. "yeah, maybe you were bad but you're changes right? At least you're not obssesed to someone anymore, you just being you. Honestly phi, according to my theory, you're becoming bad because Ms. Jennie herself told you to be like that"

"huh? What do you mean?"

"you were homophobic and that's why you didn't like papa because Jennie are homophobic. You treated papa coldly because you hated skintouch with him" he gasped as he never knew behind the scene of the novel. Fourth calmly calling Newwie papa too because Newwie told Fourth to call him that.

"since you knew Ms. Jennie, everything about you were change. You're not like that before but the obsession belong to you make me think that you're under her spell. She didn't do anything bad but you did that for her. You're bully your workers for her, you're endanger yourself for her and you hated some people just because for her but in return she didn't have a feeling for you. You're just a puppet for her" Fourth said with his firm voice. This is first time Fourth saying something like this.

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