Lucy Bronze x Reader (31) & Alexia Putellas x Character (5)

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"I think you're being a bit modest there! I've seen everything and I'm beyond impressed. Whatever you've done to prepare all week was excellent, just excellent! And your interview with the Arsenal and Man City players? Brilliant. I know it was thrown at you last minute, but I really liked the way it was more of a casual conversation than asking generic questions. It really brought out the characters of the players."

"Oh, I agree. Even if I did have time to prep questions, I still would have let them talk about what they wanted and just steer them ever so gently within the lines we wanted. I'm also a big fan of interviewing multiple players at once. They bounce off of each other well, even if they are opposite teams."

"I was going to mention that! It's the first time opposition players have been interviewed after a match together, yes? I love the dynamic. As for the other footage... I want to scale this up already. Did you want to talk about extra people to cover more of the games?"

YFN could hear that Joe was excited and knew that she'd give her absolutely anything she wanted. But that's not what this conversation was about.

"Actually, Joe, I wanted to talk to you about something else.."

"Fire away, anything you want."

YFN explained her meeting Mark at the charity event, about the photographer with Mark at the game last night, and then how she was followed. There was a long period of silence at the other end until she sighed.

"I knew this would be an issue, I just hoped it wouldn't happen until later on." She admitted. "Firstly, they won't hurt you. Think of them as paparazzi. Mark is competition of mine when it comes to business, and he uses his PIs to try and get controversial gossip to undermine my business and partnerships. Saying that, I'd really like to apologise to you for putting you in this situation. Like I said, I hoped we'd be much more established by the time they came after us."

"That's a relief to hear, Joe. I'm glad they're just that and not lunatics. I've dealt with too many of those lately."

"Yes, yes you have."

YFN hesitated. There was still an unanswered question there. "Joe... what did Mark mean when he said you would bring controversy to the business if people knew you were involved?"

She knew it was a personal question, and fully expected her to respond by saying he was lying. But she didn't, because she was Joe and she was an honest woman. YFN trusted her.

She gave another heavy sigh. "Okay... okay. I think you need to know. It's going to be much easier to explain in person. Are you able to get on a flight to my house tonight?"

She wasn't expecting that. She didn't care where she lived, she would go. Half out of curiosity to meet the woman, and half for the mystery. "Of course. I can fly from London or Birmingham."

"Okay, if you head back to Birmingham today, I'll have my assistant send you flight details for a flight out of Birmingham tonight. You can stay with me a few days. This will be good to fully discuss our future plans together and lay bare my hand. I have to go into a meeting now, but I'll see you tonight, YFN. Great work again!"

The call ended after their goodbyes and it just left YFN even more curious. She truly didn't know the woman, and the next few days would certainly be interesting to say the least.

"Lucia." The teasing voice came from behind.

Lucy turned around as Alexia wandered over to her at the stretching station.

"Why are you smiling at me like that?"

Sunsets and footballersKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat