Chapter 37: Done with Hurricanes? Have a Typhoon (4/4)

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Sevastopol Naval Base, Main HQ

0430 hours

The Russian chain of command was in a frenzy. Not 2 years since the sinking of the Marshal Ustinov which had been called down from the Northern Fleet to replace the Moskva the Black Sea had already lost the Pyotr Velikiy which was the 3rd Russian Black Sea Flagship that Decade. Every Admiral was running around like a chicken that had its head cut off, the secretaries were huddled up burning important documents like the heater wasn't running, and the Fleet Admiral fumed in his office. 

Fleet Admiral: "Проведи это со мной... еще раз." he snarled. 

Russian Admiral 5: "Гм...Петр Великий потоплен, "Ирвин" идет к проливу Босфор, а украинцы атакуют" he reported, nervously. 

Fleet Admiral: "Гррр..... пошлите за ним "Донской" и "Гепард", плевать, если им придется его взорвать ядерным оружием, я хочу, чтобы "Ирвин" завтра сидел на дне Черного моря!" he roared, "И если я услышу новость о том, что Стив Ирвин каким-то образом сбежит, я лично убью всех в этой комнате. А теперь УБИРАЙСЯ С МОИХ ВИДОВ!!" 

The Russian Admiral fearfully retreated to the radio room with his new orders.

Black Sea, Unknown Position

0430 hours

The hurricane outside continued to rage as a big black shape slowly lurked just below the restless surface. It was massive, at least twice as big as the Steve Irwin with 2 propellers driving it forward through the murky black water. This was the Typhoon Class Submarine Dimitriy Donskoy, which had been in and out of retirement multiple times thanks to the Sirens. On the bridge, yet another Admiral was there, wondering why the Russian Chain of Command had outfitted a Ballistic Nuclear Submarine for Merchant Raiding purposes when a cadet ran up to him with a radio transcript. 

Russian Cadet: "Сообщение от высшего командования, сэр: мы должны соединиться с «Гепардом», когда погода позволит." he reported. 

Russian Admiral 6: "Есть ли причина для этих новых заказов?" he asked.

Russian Cadet: "Он просто снова заканчивается Sink the Irwin." he replied.

Russian Commander 7: "Должно быть, они объединяют нас в пары, чтобы потопить «Ирвин»." he guessed.

Russian Admiral 6: "Хм....очень хорошо, свяжитесь с Гепардом и сформируйте волчью стаю, давайте найдём этого Стива Ирвина и потопим его раз и навсегда." he smirked, cockily.

Russian Cadet: "Да, сэр, сейчас свяжусь с ними." he saluted, making his way to his station.

The Typhoon Class Submarine altered its course to intercept and form up with the Gepard while also using its SONAR to attempt and locate the Steve Irwin ahead of time. 

Black Sea, Steve Irwin current location

0900 hours

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