Chapter 29: Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life For Me

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Pirates Universe

General POV

Andy awkwardly sat in his newly claimed berth as the harbor descended into another massive, drunken brawl broke out in the harbor, his new mentor casually taking in her 7th ship-scaled bottle of Rum (which is about the size of 2 wooden barrels stacked on top of each other and twice as wide) before turning and offering her 8th to Andy.

Andy: "Oh, no, I don't drink." he said, politely nudging it back to her.

Black Pearl: "What? Poppycock! You're a pirate now son!" she said nudging it back to him, "You have to drink."

Andy: "I don't necessarily have any worries to drink away." he stated, nudging it back to her, "Besides, I don't wanna have my first hangover right now."

Black Pearl: "Just drink." she said, "Or I'm forcing it down that throat of yours."

The drink floated in front of Andy who stared at the contents for a moment, Pearl's rigging line snaking around the handle, ready to pick it up and force Andy to down it. So, with a heavy sigh Andy bit down on the rim of the bottle and tilted his head up, allowing the drink to flow into his mouth and down his throat, it burned bad, but Pearl kept the bottle's bottom up to make sure the alcohol was all done. When the bottle was empty, Andy lowered his prow and let the bottle float away, staying on an even keel......for all of 2 seconds before collapsing onto the pier, splintering it against his bulk, out like a light. (Think Doctor Emmet Brown in Back to the Future 3 when he downed a single shot of Whiskey before proceeding to just go out like a light and crash into a table)

Black Pearl: "Wow," she said, taking a disbelieving sip of what was going to be her 9th bottle, "that was really lightweight for a ship."

Pearl's eyes then drifted to Andy's keel, slowly trailing down to just in front of his propellor shaft and rudder.

Black Pearl: "Nice length though." she noted, taking another sip.

A few hours later Captain Jack Sparrow, Pearl's infamous Captain, returned from the bar having been gathering information. When he got back, he saw his new ward on his side out cold with a single bottle floating around nearby while Pearl was eyeing the similarly black ship up.

Capt. Jack Sparrow: "I see our new friend is a lightweight in the alcohol department." he said, climbing aboard his ship.

Black Pearl: "Mhm, though I'm not complaining bout the view." she grinned.

Sparrow looks, trailing Pearl's gaze to see what she was looking at.

Capt. Jack Sparrow: "Mh....if I were a woman that would definitely be something I'd want to wake up to." he chuckled.

Black Pearl: "How'd the search go Captain?" she asked, changing the subject.

Capt. Jack Sparrow: "I got some information, somethin' bout a prison." he replied, "Still have to figure it all out."

Gibbs: "Cap'n," he said, hobbling onto the deck, "the new recruits are starting to get restless at the menial paychecks."

Capt. Jack Sparrow: "I'll deal with them in the morning Mr. Gibbs." he said, walking to his cabin, "For now, I wish to not be disturbed."

And with that the Infamous Captain disappeared into his cabin leaving his confused Second-in-Command out on deck.

The next morning Andy woke up with a splitting headache, putting himself on an even keel and groaning in pain.

Black Pearl: "Wow, that hung over from one bottle?" she chuckled.

Andy glared at Pearl; she was completely fine despite having over 10 bottles of Rum. Her crew ran around on her deck, tying lines and bringing provisions below decks.

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