Chapter 6(Kansen Arc start): Vessel?

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General POV

It had been a few days since Alex and his fleet had reappeared, since then the Siren Carrier he had stolen had been made into a kansen and Alex had been drawing up plans for a new plane. However that wasn't the main thing on everyone's tongues, someone had transferred from the rival high school of Sakura, based in Japan, the kid was in the age gap between Andy and Alex and was named Commander Rex Tirmon.

His fleet was rather underpowered compared to say Andy's as the gear was lacking and his ships weren't the most experienced. However the guy had Monoma's inferiority complex.

Rex: "You think you're so great?" he would say, "You just wait! Me and my fleet will show you who's the superior leader!"

Alex: "Whatever ya say dipshit!" he would shoot back.

Andy: "Please let us eat in peace..." he sometimes groaned.

The students normally ignored the guy, he referred to the girls as nothing but servants and the ships who served under him were somewhat embarrassed by him most of the time.

Admiral Hipper (Rex): "Be thankful your Kommandant isn't this asshat." she said to Andy's Hipper one day over a glass of coffee, "He's somewhat humble, he takes his chances with odds, and he actually takes you out of the harbor with live ammo."

Admiral Hipper (Andy): "Tch, well he's still a dumbass," she said, "and he's a little dense at times."

Z-22: "A little?" she asked.

Admiral Hipper (Andy): "When he's competitive he gets tunnel vision and becomes dense to anyone he unintentionally hurts." she clarified.

Her 2 drinking partners hummed and continued drinking.

Commander Rex also unintentionally drove Andy mad, by no real fault of his, his ship was the Shonan Maru no. 2, he picked it like his other classmates because the Whaling Fleet had been disbanded and its ships sold off, this awoke some anger not of Andy's own.

When Rex joined the Saturday Morning games he had to put his grievances aside to try for the win but Andy was the thief this time and when he saw the Shonan charging at him...he blacked out, when he woke up again he was staring out a different window, the Shonan was dead in the water covered in paint and an acrid smelling liquid, the Delta and the Gemini were in the water powering around, the helicopter was in the air, the sun was starting to come up, and the other ships were on the sidelines looking shocked.

Andy: "What the heck?" he questioned. 

Admiral Emily: "Irwin, come in Irwin." she ordered over the radio.

Andy: "This is the Irwin...wh-what's happened, I blacked out!" he said.

Admiral Emily: "You went beast mode on the Shonan, no one's hurt but everyone's confused and scared about how you managed to control your ship alongside the 2 small boats and the helicopter without automating the latter 3!" she basically yelled at him.

Andy: "I did what?!" he exclaimed.

Admiral Emily: "Nevermind, just return to base, and help Shonan out of his props." she ordered.

Andy: "Right." he said, switching radio frequencies, "Shonan Maru, Shonan Maru; this is Steve Irwin hailing you on channel 0-3-5."

No response for a minute before the cocky, smug looking bastard answered.

Rex: "What's up freak?" he asked.

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