Chapter 13(Intermission): Prove your worth

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General POV

It'd been a few hours since Andy kicked the Siren Armada and Observer A into next week single handedly. He was currently sitting in front of the teachers nervously.

Admiral Emily: "Andy..." she started with a sigh.

Andy: "I know, I know, I shouldn't have revealed myself, I should've waited for backup, I should've towed Alex and Belle to safety, I shouldn't have been a reckless piece of shit..." he rambled, apologetically.

Admiral Johnson: "Son!" he finally snapped, "That's not what we called you here for."

Andy: " aren't here to dishonorably discharge me for revealing my secret so soon?" he asked.

Lieutenant Dave: "Of course not lil dude!" he replied, "You were amazing out there! The other Commanders, Admirals, and Kansen have a new respect for you and they're already giving you hero names...mostly something along the lines of Spider-Ship."

Andy chuckled a little at this, he did replicate some of Spiderman's moves.

Admiral Johnson: "But," he cut in, "don't disobey orders like that ever again or there'll be hell to pay boy."

The threat caused Andy to stop chuckling.

Andy: "So um....why'd you call me here?" he asked, genuinely curious.

Admiral Emily: "I called you here to congratulate you, saving Alex and Belle while also killing all those Siren have put you on the list for possible Medal of Honor recipiency." she explained.

Andy: "Really?" he perked up.

Admiral Johnson: "Possible recipiency, you have to continue being a hero to receive the Medal." he clarified.

Andy nodded along as the Lieutenant shook him by the shoulders.

Lieutenant Dave: "Congrats lil Irwin, you're on the track to become a hero!" he shouted.

Doctor: "Not only that, you have people looking up to you now." he said, showing Andy a video of his fight, "Ady returned with a camera and her fleet, she filmed you flying around on your anchors and posted it to the internet and judging by the comments, they love you."

Andy scanned the comments 'Beat their asses for us man!', 'KICK THEIR ASSES BACK TO SPACE!!', and 'Thank you for your service, all of you!' flooded the comments section.

A little later Andy walked out of the office to see his fleet and Blue outside.

Blue: "So?" she asked.

Georgia: "Did they give ya the sack Irwin?" she asked next.

Arizona: "Please sir, we can go in and beg for you to be reinstated!" she begged.

Andy: "Girls, girls; I'm fine, they didn't expel me." he said.

Cleveland: "Then...what happened?" she asked.

Andy: "I'm off the hook and the internet views me the same way they view you for all intents and purposes, in the eyes of the public, I've joined your ranks." he said.

Andy's fleet breathed a collective sigh of relief.

Andy: "Now, I'm gonna head to the Cafeteria for Lunch...hopefully no one fucks around with me." he said, setting off, "You girls can join me if ya want."

Antonio Luna: "The others have plans but I'll come with." she stated.

Andy nodded and lead Luna to the cafeteria, at said cafeteria, as soon as Andy opened the door the room erupted with sound. The Commanders from Reich and Northern nodded in respect, the remaining Sakuran whalers glared silently, and the Azur Commanders cheered loudly with the Royals and Ady joining them.

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